
Political forces in Colombia have been developing rapidly since the mid-1970s, which saw both the beginning of the coffee, marijuana and cocaine bonanza and the rise of the guerrilla move- ment. First, the traditional par- ties-the Liberals and Conserva- tives-have experienced high electoral abstention rates, accen- tuating the decline of their elector- al "legitimacy.
February 1982. A bright orange cartoon tank, piloted by a hybrid of Mickey Mouse and Mr.
Until Carter, Washington had endorsed the intransigence of every regime since 1954 at crit- ical turning points. It favored military over civilian options not only in 1963-when guer- rillas were on the upsurge-but again in 1968 and 1970-when they had been beaten down.
Claudia Dziobek
Last August, Mexico ran out of foreign exchange to service its huge external debt and pay for im- ports. The government had to re- quest emergency loans from West- ern governments in order to avoid ers for a three-month moratorium on the $10 billion due in principal payments.
NACLA Interview Creates Political Furor in Colombia While we like to think that our work has impact, we were hardly prepared for the uproar that our interview with former Colombian president Julio Cesar Turbay Ayala had in his home country, even before we went to press here in New York. Having read our Sept-Oct.
GUATEMALA Susanne Jonas Bodenheimer, Guatemala: Plan plloto para el contlnente (EDUCA, 1981). Write for price, paper, 430 pgs.
Three generals ruled Guatemala during the 1970s: Carlos Arana Osorio (1970-1974), Kjell Laugerud Garcia (1974-1978) and Romeo Lucas Garcia (1978-1982). Arana, they say, was the cunning old fox, Laugerud the insipid re- former, Lucas the psychotic tyrant.
"Todas las puertas cerradas, Solo un camino nos dejan. "* Quiche Indian song Guerrilla warfare.