NACLA Update: Micropolitics and Autonomous Zones in the Andes

NACLA Update

NACLA Update

Event: Micropolitica y zonas de autonomia en los Andes (CLACS)

Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui

En esta presentación Rivera Cusicanquie habla sobre la idea de un “mundo al revés”, inspirada en los dibujos y pinturas alegóricos de Melchor María Mercado (siglo XIX) y Waman Puma de Ayala (siglo XVI), en la región andina. Estas imágenes se permiten reflexionar sobre la naturaleza concreta de las utopías que abrigan múltiples movimientos indígenas y populares en América Latina.

Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui es socióloga, historiadora, activista, cineasta e intelectual boliviana; profesora emérita de la Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia

Tuesday, February 18th, 2014, 6:30 p.m.

Location: King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center (KJCC) Auditorium, 53 Washington Square South, New York University, New York NY 10012 (map)

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Three tips from February 7 Writing Workshop: Shaping Academic Work for a Wider Audience (co-hosted by CLACS)

Panelists: Patricio Navia, Christy Thornton, Rachel Nolan

  • The hardest task for a journalist is saying complicated things in a simple way—you want to encompass the depth of an academic argument without the length or jargon. It’s like shortening the 10-hour-long wedding video down to a two-minute compilation of the most memorable moments.
  • When you sit down to write, ask yourself why anyone would want to read each specific detail, and cut the rest. People call this “killing your darlings.” I say don’t kill your darlings—put them in a separate document and go back to them. You wrote them for a reason.
  • People tend to type articles and then edit in their own heads. Try the reverse: handwrite your article so you're forced to think carefully about the need for each detail. Then, once you’re done, read it out loud to yourself. This last step is key to making sure it has the sound you're looking for.
