Lula da Silva

January 24, 2023
Michael Fox

The failed January 8 "invasion" of Brasília has united many behind Lula’s agenda to rebuild the country. But the battle for Brazil’s future isn’t over yet.

January 17, 2023
Michael Fox

In the wake of the attack on Brasília, both the Lula administration and civil society have a major role to play in combatting the forces propelling Brazil’s far right.

October 4, 2022
Pablo Stefanoni / Nueva Sociedad

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva won the first round, but Jair Bolsonaro performed better than expected. They face off in a runoff October 30.

October 20, 2014
John L. Hammond

Facing Lula's legacy of having expanded social welfare while distancing the party from its popular support, will Dilma rebuild the trust of her bases? 

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