
The result of two year's research, this 60-page pamphlet constitutes. the first comprehen- sive tabulation of military research on American campuses.
John N. Irwin & Charles Appleton Meyer & Joseph Farland
Nixon's Latin American policy still seems to be largely unformed and Latin American countries seem to be taking advantage of Nixon's interim non-confrontation politics to solidify their own response to Uncle Sam. Peru's expropriation of the International Petroleum Company and
Project THEMIS second-year con- tract awards for 43 new research pro- grams in FY 1969 at academic in- stitutions in 24 states and the Dis- trict of Columbia have been approved by Secretary of Defense Clark M. Clifford.
Susanne Bodenheimer
Foreign "Aid" and Foreign Penetration: Keeping Chile in Line In the first part of this article (NACLA Newsletter, February, 1969), we have seen the contradictions inherent within Frei's attempt to finance his development program through domestic resources within the existing neo-capitalist framework, and without making the most basic structural changes. Lacking full control over national resources and being subject to private interest pressures which prevent such control, the Frei regime has been forced to rely heavily upon foreign financing.
Ray Vicker
ROME in the time it takes to count to 10, four people will have died of malnutrition somewhere in the world. Today's 3.
Mike Klare
For a remarkable case study in U.S.