
Karl Lenkersdorf
The church in Latin America has become a focus of attention as it generates movements of radical dissent and revolutionary action. Camilo Torres, a priest who turned revolutionary and was killed in guerrilla action in 1966, became one of the out- standing spokesmen of a Christian revolutionary movement.
Ed Daniels
With the evolution of capitalism in Argentina during the early part of the 20th century, new patterns of social relations appeared. The rapid urban incorporation of European immigrants into the tertiary (services) and secondary (meatpacking, textiles, food processing) sectors of the economy began to redefine the class composition of Argen- tine society.
Mike Klare
As of September 1, 1969, the United States had some 1.2 million servicemen stationed abroad (out of a total armed strength of 3.
Puerto Rican, Black, and other Third World (colonized) women are becoming more aware of their oppression in the past and today. They are suffering three different types of oppression under capitalism.