
Mimi Keck
There has been no major explo- sion in the Brazilian labor move- ment this spring, but a number of small explosions and unprece- dented court victories may add up to the same thing. Only a few years ago, Brazilian workers were faced with a solid wall of govern- ment and entrepreneurial resis- tance to massive strike move- ments.
"Let us not delude ourselves. The Soviet Union underlies all the unrest that is going on.
"Between the fall of Vietnam and the fall of the Shah of Iran," declared Business Week in 1979, "the U.S.
SOUTH AMERICA John Lynch, Argentine Dictator: Juan Manuel de Rosas (Oxford University Press, 1981). $72.
Maisie McAdoo
At the end of World War II, Puer- to Rico had 82 factories, four large, U.S -owned sugar centrales which processed 60% of the island's sugar, fairly extensive garment, coffee and tobacco industries and two new naval and air bases.
The Alliance's Failure NACLA staffers Robert Arm- strong and Janet Shenk recently completed a book on El Salvador for South End Press called El Salvador: The Face of Revolu- tion. We sent a copy to Murat Williams, former U.
As Reagan's core constituency, the organized Right had expected to influence Administration policy. Reagan's campaign rhetoric reflected right-wing themes and some of his first political appointees were drawn from their ranks--such as former national security adviser Richard Allen.
Thursday night, April 1, President Reagan repeatedly tried to call President Leopoldo Galtieri of Argentina. On the third try, he managed to get the President's response, then spent 50 minutes trying to persuade him to call off the imminent invasion of the Malvinas/Falkland islands 1 .
In the opinion of General Wallace Nutting, head of the U.S.
There are thousands of international sports events each year, most of which pass unnoticed outside the sports pages. But, like the 1971 ap- pearance of U.
Reagan's foreign policy is being forged amidst a wide-ranging debate within the official bureaucracy and the unofficial foreign policy establishment of "private" policy planning in- stitutions (e.g.