
Rebel Currents
October 29, 2015

The new film Our Brand is Crisis doesn’t tell us how a president who authorized the massacre of indigenous Bolivians has lived with impunity in the U.S. for 12 years.

October 28, 2015

A pro-fracking report from the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat) is the latest step in the global push towards fracking, with the United States at the vanguard.

October 26, 2015

Rudy Giuliani is crisscrossing the Americas, spreading the draconian policies he pioneered in New York City.

October 21, 2015

National elections on October 25th present voters with sharply contrasting visions of government’s role.

October 19, 2015

A diverse group of protestors raise issues about extractivism and the Trans Pacific Partnership during a conference that paralleled IMF/World Bank meetings

October 18, 2015

The making of a long-term right to housing has constrained the largely unfettered free-market policies embraced by the Pinochet dictatorship and the democratic presidencies that followed. 

October 10, 2015

Brazil’s Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT) abandons the principles it was founded on

October 10, 2015

Community gardens serve as an organizing tool in Cochabamba

October 5, 2015

Climate and environment overlooked in presidential race as economic concerns top electorate’s agenda

September 21, 2015

Bernie Sanders is wrong - Hugo Chávez was not a dictator
