Latin America

March 30, 2015
Annie Wilkinson

Exodus Global Alliance is helping to spread the “ex-gay” movement across Latin America, but not without resistance from activists and lawmakers. 

December 10, 2014
Jo-Marie Burt

The Senate report on torture obligates the United States to prosecute those who sanctioned its use. Latin America’s efforts can help show us how.

December 4, 2014

Development that depends on “water grabbing” threatens Latin America’s ability to conserve wetland-based communities and ecosystems.

January 7, 2014
There is a crisis in the "national state" formations in the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America, increasing due to the declining hegemonic power of U.S. imperialism. Within this complex panorama of the deepening crisis of the national state, we might ask: what about Colombia after 50 years of civil war? 
August 20, 2013
Al Jazeera America boasts a new, advertiser-revenue-driven dynamic; it has taken compromising stances in its courtship of U.S. cable distributors; its recruitment of management and on-air personnel demonstrates conservatism; and it has paid for close consultation with lobbying firms with deep rightwing ties. All of these factors threaten to guide it toward the most insipid and insular tendencies of U.S. cable news.
April 22, 2013
Nicole Fabricant

Nation-states in the Global South have historically contributed the least to carbon-dioxide emissions but are especially vulnerable to the consequences of climatic shifts because of the damage wrought by extractive industries and the limited resources to cope with such damage.

March 20, 2013
Kyle Barron

The election of Pope Francis has brought many issues to the fore that represent not just the complexity of a person, but the complexity of the Catholic Church. This was especially true at the time the most controversial chapters in his history were being written.


November 19, 2012
Mario A. Murillo

New media forms are being applied by diverse actors, slowly tipping the balance of media power in favor of the active, engaged citizen across the continent.

May 31, 2012
Price wars between supermarkets seeking to gain the lowest possible cost of bananas has led to a race to the bottom which has no winners other than the large retailers and multinational corporations. The fundamental need for competitiveness overrides any moral incentive on the parts of the corporations.
April 20, 2012
Keane Bhatt

Writing for The New York Times’ Economix blog on March 15, Simon Johnson, a former chief economist for the International Monetary Fund (IMF), provides a well-argued defense of populism. But by offhandedly dismissing Latin American populism, his comentary examplifies the imperial double standard that keeps even “pro-populist” commentators from seeing the reality in developing countries.


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