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The anti-government protests that erupted in December have a clear political agenda: new elections and the convening of a constituent assembly.
Peru’s latest political crisis is rooted in the failure of key transitions to consolidate democracy and basic social coexistence.
With mass protests rocking the country and the legitimacy of state powers in ruins, space for dialogue is closing.
Con fuerte movilización ciudadana en todo el país y los poderes del estado ya deslegitimados, las ventanas de diálogo se van cerrando.
Tras el aumento de los precios de los alimentos, los pequeños agricultores del sur de Perú dependen de los sistemas alimentarios tradicionales para afrontar la crisis alimentaria.
Amid rising prices, small farmers in Southern Peru rely on traditional food systems to confront the food crisis.
Kimberly Theidon’s book explores the conjoined legacies of war-time violence against women, children, and nature in Peru and Colombia.
Indigenous and campesino communities turn to strikes, road blockages, and other confrontational tactics to reclaim their political agency.
María Elena García’s new book exposes the intensely colonial and patriarchal politics underlying Peru’s much-praised gastronomic boom.
Though Pedro Castillo’s victory initially seemed like a glimmer of hope, the reality of the past eight months has been disappointing.