September 25, 2007

Thanks to Volunteers NACLA staffers found ourselves happily outnumbered around the of- fice by volunteers last summer. Our plea for help in the March-April Report brought an overwhelming response from readers in the New York area. Their help was largely re- sponsible for keeping the office run- ning smoothly while staff members were off doing field work or vaca- tioning. We were also able to in- ititate a major new project-- cataloging our 16-year-old library collection. Our warmest thanks to Patrick Dolan, Debbie Sontag, Dan Shea, Lisa Habernickel, Lori O'Don- nell, Margaret Low, Yolanda Benal, Tom Preston, Suzanne Sangree, Maria Bottino and Bonnie Ten- neriello. The chill in the air has not, however, reduced our need for assistance. Cataloging of our col- lection continues and there are numerous other library, research and production related tasks which could use some volunteers. Call Eric Feinberg at 989-8890 to dis- cuss opportunities for volunteer labor at NACLA. 4A Expanding Our Ranks Two new staff people joined our ranks this summer as full-time re- searchers, writers and jacks-of-all- trades. Deborah Huntington, co- author of our forthcoming study of the Dominican Republic, brings to NACLA a background in corporate research at the Corporate Data Ex- change, free-lance journalism and two years in the Dominican Repub- lic as a United Methodist Mission In- tern. She is presently finishing up a master's in International Affairs at Columbia University. Helping us build bridges to Latin American research work in Europe, George Black comes to the NACLA staff from England, where he served as a national coordinator of the Nicaragua Solidarity Committee. An Oxford graduate, George is the author of Triumph of the People: The San- dinista Revolution in Nicaragua, published by Zed Press in 1981. He has traveled extensively in Central America and is now preparing a two-part NACLA Report on Guatemala for the first two issues of 1983. Sustainers Come Through In the last issue, we reported that our sustainers campaign had been a resounding success, bringing in over $14,000 and topping all past campaigns. Little did we expect that tally to double by October, as readers returned from summer va- cations and unburied our letter from their stacks of waiting mail. We're happy to report that our salaries have taken a small leap thanks to your generosity; that we've bought two new typewriters; and that we are truly grateful for your vote of confidence in our work. We are also indebted to the sus- tainers who hosted gatherings for us this fall. Judy Butler, in Mil- waukee for a teach-in sponsored by that city's Central and Latin Ameri- can solidarity groups, had a chance to meet NACLA readers and get helpful feedback on our work. Janet Shenk, in Chicago for a taping of the Phil Donahue Show, met with members of the solidarity commu- nity there (all avid NACLA readers) to discuss her recent trip to Central America.


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