Web Exclusives

In each issue of our quarterly print magazine the NACLA Report, we explore a single theme in depth. Here you'll find additional online-only content related to those themes, complementing the analysis in the pages of the Report. For more from the magazine, check out our recent articles section for a selection of pieces from each issue that are freely available online for a limited time after the publication. 

Summer 2024: ¿Dónde están?

As rising authoritarianism throws societies across the Americas further into political and social chaos, this issue of the NACLA Report excavates how disappearance has reemerged—or persisted—as a dependable technique of terror, social control, and revisionism. This issue also explores disappearance’s afterlife, from the ongoing forms of disappearance that impede truth and justice, to the ways families and advocates continue to resist erasure.

View our web exclusive content.


Spring 2024: Latin America’s Far Right Reborn

This issue explores the rise of the new far right, their links to historical social and political processes, and their connections beyond national borders. Delving into far-right activities in Argentina, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Paraguay, and Uruguay and the roles of political and intellectual leaders in both formal and informal areas of politics, the issue seeks to foster a “better understanding of the capabilities, expectations, and modus operandi of the enemy.”

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Summer 2022: Whose Brazil?

This issue looks at contemporary Brazil through the lens of racial justice. With fascism on the rise globally and Brazilian democracy in agony, the world will turn its gaze this year toward the country’s presidential elections. This issue brings together Brazilian scholars and activists to highlight the effects of racism, sexism, patriarchy, and exclusionary policies on Afro-Brazilian populations and to showcase how Black people in this corner of the diaspora resist, organize, and stay alive.

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Spring 2022: Chavismo Revisited

This issue takes Venezuela’s April 2002 coup as a springboard to revisit the significance of the turning point for Venezuela, the Americas, and the larger Left. Two decades later, Chavismo nominally remains in power under Hugo Chávez’s successor Nicolás Maduro. But it is as a full-fledged authoritarian government, having bested an insurrectionary opposition, weathered crippling U.S. sanctions, and undergone a staggering humanitarian crisis while sacrificing much of the promise that Chavismo once represented for millions. How did we get here?

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Winter 2021: Dispatches from the Field

This issue reflects on the current state of the media landscape in Latin America and particularly how journalism takes shape within and responds to these evolving conditions. The issue centers the work of reporters and researchers in the region who face firsthand the urgent challenges and uncertainties defining media today.

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