¿Dónde están? Web Exclusive

Don't miss the web exclusive content of our Summer 2024 issue, ¿Dónde están?, on disappearance across the Americas. 

June 4, 2024

Cover art by Leonardo Aranda Brito and Dora Ytzell Bartilotti.

The Summer 2024 issue of the NACLA Report on the Americas excavates how disappearance has reemerged—or persisted—as a dependable technique of terror, social control, and revisionism. The following pieces are web exclusives articles published as part of this issue. Read the editor's introduction for more.


Narrating the Distance of Translation Adoption
Nathan Rossi

For transnational adoptees wrenched from El Salvador and Guatemala in the throes of civil war, storytelling and art are powerful tools for navigating identity, dislocation, haunting, and healing. Read more.

Paraguay, A Node in Operation Condor's Global Disappearance Network Marco Castillo

¿A dónde están? Where are they? In Paraguay, the answer to the question of these seeking justice for the disappeared is blunt: they are in the backyard of the elite police headquarters 15 minutes from downtown Asunción. Read more.

The Double Disappearance Inside Chile’s Patio 29 Constanza Dalla Porta

Exhumation of a mass grave in Santiago finally promised answers, but botched DNA testing left the families of victims reeling. Five decades later, the search for truth continues. Read more.

Repertoires of Healing and Dissent
Angélica Cuevas-Guarnizo

For the Mothers of Soacha, murals, tattoos, and other living monuments are tools of grief and defiance in their search for the truth about the thousands of “false positives” killed and disappeared in Colombia. Read more.


Under the Shadow Michael Fox

Under the Shadow uncovers the history of U.S. intervention in Central America and its lingering effects today. Episodes 3, 4, and 6 give special attention to the disappeared in Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras. Listen now.


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