From Reagan to Trump, the fight for sanctuary has deep roots in the United States. The lessons of the 1980s anti-war sanctuary movement are relevant for today’s immigrant rights struggles.
Trump's threat to take back the Panama Canal signals a new era of U.S. expansionism and the greatest attack on Central American sovereignty since the 1990s.
[CLOSED] NACLA is currently accepting proposals for an issue on sites of knowledge production in Central America and the diaspora. Send your pitches by December 13.
Children now represent 1 in 5 people traversing the Darién Gap. The repercussions of crossing the jungle on children’s mental health have become a major challenge for humanitarian organizations.
The assassination of Honduran water defender Juan López offers a chilling reminder of the threats local leaders face in the most dangerous region in the world for environmental activists.
Long associated with the Andean region, coca cultivation is expanding rapidly in Central America. As eradication efforts intensify, local communities may be in the crossfire.
Gerardo Sánchez Nateras's book uses a variety of Central American archives to present alternatives to the dominant narratives about the Nicaraguan revolution.
Ancestral authorities played a decisive role in counteracting a right-wing backlash. In their vision for liberation, alternatives are built from the grassroots, regardless of the government in power.
As human rights violations under El Salvador’s more than two-year-long state of exception continue to mount, a bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers seeks to whitewash the abuses.