New Resources

September 25, 2007

THE "ABC" COUNTRIES Laura Randall, An Economic History of Argentina in the Twentieth Century (Columbia University Press, 1978). $17.50 cloth, 322 pgs. Using econometric analysis, Randall demonstrates how in Argentina, "the choice of economic policy was determined by the scramble for income and wealth by competing groups who influ- enced government selection of policies which implicitly determined the profit level of each sector." Robert J. Alexander, Juan Domingo Perdn: A History (Westview Press, 1979). $15 cloth, 170 pgs. Rapid over- view of Per6n which provides no new insights into the man or Argentina. Jan Knippers Black, United States Penetration of Brazil (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1977). $14 cloth, 313 pgs. Interesting and useful account of U.S.-Brazilian relations from the 1964 coup to the mid-1970s. Good section on AIFLD and the Brazilian labor movement. Shelton H. Davis, Victims of the Miracle: Development and the Indians of Brazil (Cambridge University Press, 1977). $19.95 cloth, $5.50 paper, 205 pgs. Exceptionally good -if tragic-account of the development of the Amazon region and the consequent destruction of Brazil's Indians. Well documented, excellent chapter on Brazilian agri business. Wayne Selcher, Brazil's Multilateral Relations: Between First and Third Worlds (Westview Press, 1978). $17 cloth, 301 pgs. Study of Brazil's role in the world divided by issues (resources, commodities, trade, etc.) and areas (United States, Africa, Latin America). Eduardo Frei, The Mandate of History and Chile's Future (Ohio University Press, Center for international Studies, 1977). $4.00 paper, 79 pgs. First English translation of Eduardo Frei's 1975 critique of the Chilean Junta. Frei was a Christian Democratic president of Chile from 1964-1970 and is a leading figure of the bourgeois op- position in Chile. Important reading for its political and historical content. Peter Hakim and Giorgio Solimano, Development, Reform and Malnutrition in Chile (MIT Press, 1978). $10 cloth, 91 pgs. Analysis of nutritional deprivation in Chile from 1930-1970 as well as Allende's attempt to reduce malnutrition through his 1971 milk program. Arturo Valenzuela, Chile: The Breakdown of Democratic Regimes (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978). $3.95 paper, 140 pgs. One of a series of four studies on why "democracy failed" in a number of countries. While this work provides an excellent synthesis of information on Chile through the 'coup, it is grafted onto a very questionable theoretical framework which leads one to question whether democacy ever existed in Chile, not why it "broke down." Caroline Richards, Sweet Country (Harcourt, Brace, Javanovich, 1979). $9.95 cloth, 372 pgs. Novel set in Chile at time of, and following, the 1973 coup. Suc- cessfully captures the fear, confusion and hopes of that moment while adding to the readers' overall under- standing of Chilean history and politics. Teresa de Jes0s, De Repente/AII of a Sudden (Curb- stone Press, 1979). $5.00 paper, 91 pgs. Poems in Spanish and English translation by a Chilean poet writing from Santiago under a pseudonym. Available from Curbstone Press, 321 Jackson Street, Willimantic, CT 06226. MEXICO, VENEZUELA, ET. AL. Piero Gleijeses, The Dominican Crisis: The 1965 Constitu- tionalist Revolt and American Intervention (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978). $22.50 cloth, 460 pgs. Very good account of the 1965 Constitutionalist revolt in the Dominican Republic, the U.S. decision to send in the Marines, and how U.S. intervention changed the nature of the outcome. Extensive documentation. Judith Adler Hellman, Mexico in Crisis (Holmes & Meier Publishers, 1978). $15.75 cloth; $7.95 paper, 229 pgs. Revisionist history of Mexico from 1910 to the end of the Echeverria regime. Good for classroom use. George C. Kiser and Martha Woody Kiser, eds., Mex- ican Workers in the United States: Historical and Political Perspectives (University of New Mexico Press, 1979). $7.50 paper, 295 pgs. Thirty-four short articles on the issue of Mexican workers in the United States from World War I to the present. Most are useful in a descriptive, rather than analytical, sense. Jose Luis Reyna and Richard S. Weinert, eds., Authoritarianism in Mexico (Institute for the Study of Human Issues, 1977). $13.50 cloth, 241 pgs. A collec- tion of essays including writings on the state and the ur- ban poor, the state and peasants, the economy, foreign capital and the future of the Mexican political system. Norman Long and Bryan R. Roberts, eds., Peasant Cooperation and Capitalist Expansion in Central Peru (Universi- ty of Texas Press, 1979). $19.95 cloth; $7.95 paper, 349 pgs. A series of studies on the Mantaro Valley of central Peru by a team of British and Latin American social an- thropologists and sociologists. R6mulo Betancourt, Venezuela: Oil and Politics (Houghton Mifflin, 1979), $14.95, cloth, 418 pages. First English translation of work written in 1956. Betancourt, a reformist (Accidn Democratica) presi- dent of Venezuela from 1945-47 and 1959-63, was an important figure in the formation of OPEC. Sheldon B. Liss, Diplomacy and Dependency: Venezuela, the United States and the Americas (Documentary Publications, 1978), cloth 356 pages. Study of Venezuela's relations with the United States and other Latin American countries including its role in the OAS and OPEC. Available from Documentary Publica- tions, Route 12, Box 480, Salisbury, NC. LATIN AMERICA: ECONOMY, POLITICS, MILITARY Joseph Grunwald, ed., Latin America and World Economy: A Changing International Order (Sage Publica- tions, 1978). $8.95 paper; $18.50 cloth, 323 pgs. An- thology of Latin America's relations with the wold from an economic and political perspective. Includes articles by Clark Reynolds, Felipe Herrera, Claudio Veliz and others. Michell A. Seligson and John A. Booth, Political Par- ticipation in Latin America. Vol II: Politics and the Poor (Holmes & Meier Publishers, 1979). $24.50 cloth; $9.50 paper, 262 pgs. Fifteen articles on peasants, workers and the urban poor in Latin America. Brian Loveman and Thomas M. Davies, Jr., eds., The Politics of Antipolitics: The Military in Latin America (Universi- ty of Nebraska Press, 1978). $5.95 paper, 309 pgs. This anthology focuses on what the editors call the "anti- politics" of the military: their rejection of political par- ties and traditional political leaders. Some of the most interesting writings are a series of speeches by various Latin American officers. Howard J. Wiarda and Harvey F. Kline, eds., Latin American Politics and Development (Houghton Mifflin, 1979). $13.95 cloth, 525 pgs. Textbook with general overview essay on development in Latin America and numerous articles on specific countries. IMPERIALISM, CORPORATIONS AND WORKERS D. Wadada Nabudere, The Political Economy of Im- perialism (Zed Press, 1979). $15.50 cloth; $7.95 paper, 293 pgs. Orthodox Marxist analysis of imperialism from the 16th century to the present. Author provides brief overview and critique of other major theorists. Available from Monthly Review Press. Harold Molineu, ed., Multinational Corporations and Inter- national Investment in Latin America: A Selected and Annotated Bibliography with an Annotated Film Bibliography (Ohio University Press, Center for International Studies, 1977). $5.00 paper, 98 pgs. 216 annotated entries. Donald P. Irish, ed., Multinational Corporations in Latin America: Private Rights--Public Responsibilities (Ohio University Press, Center for International Studies, 1978). $6.00 paper, 122 pgs. Edited proceedings of five symposia held in 1976. Idris Hamid, compiler, The World of Sugar Workers (Caribbean Ecumenical Programme, 1978). $4.50 paper, 108 pgs. Papers presented at the International Sugar Workers' Conference in Trinidad, 1977. Very informative and useful. Available from GATT-FLY, 11 Madison Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5R 2S2. GATT-Fly, Sugar and Sugarworkers: A Popular Report of the International Sugarworkers Conference (GATT-Fly, 1978). $2.00 paper. Three short pamphlets: (1) how the inter- national sugar economy works; (2) sugarworkers around the world; (3) the future of sugar. Available from GATT-Fly at above address. Also available in Spanish. Arming the Third World, an 8-page pamphlet from NARMIC detailing recent U.S. arms transfers and their impact on human rights in 10 countries including Brazil, Nicaragua, Argentina and Chile. Single copies, 15s + 15c postage, from NARMIC, 1501 Cherry Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102. Controlling Interest, California Newsreel film, color, 45 minutes, distributed in 16 mm by California Newsreel, 630 Natoma Street, San Francisco, CA 94103. Very good film about the impact of U.S. monopoly corporations in Greenfield, Mass., Brazil and Chile. Good for classroom or trade union use. Write California Newsreel for prices. Asia/North America Communications Center, America in Asia: Research Guides on U.S. Economic Activity in Pacific Asia (U.S. investments, trade, loans and aid to 9 Pacific Asian nations) and A Handbook of Facts and Figures on U.S. Economic and Military Activity in Asia (in- cludes military information). Both available Spring 1979. For details, write: A/NACC, 2 Man Wan Road, 17-C, Kowloon, Hong Kong TWO FOR THE RECORD Andres Jimenez. Come el File del Machete/Like the Edge of the Machete. Songs of the Struggle for Puerto Rican In- dependence. Paredon Records P-1040. Viva Puerto Rico Ubre. A Selection of the Most Impor- tant Contemporary Songs of the Independence Move- ment. Paredon Records P-1035. Paredon Records, PO Box 889, Brooklyn, NY 11202.


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