Resource Update

September 25, 2007

THE DOMINICAN REPUBUC G. Pope Atkins, Arms and Politics In the Dominican Republic (Westview Press, 1981). $20, cloth, 158 pgs. The only source on the Dominican military, its information is plentiful and ac- curate and hints at the author's inside connections. (Westview Press, 5500 Central Ave., Boulder, CO 80301.) lan Bell, The Dominican Republic (Westview Press, 1981). $35, cloth, 392 pgs. A rather dry history of the Dominican Republic through Guzman's first year in office. Substantial but disjointed background information. (Westview Press.) Roberto CassA, Historia social y econ6mica do la Repiblica Dominicana, 2 vols. (Editora Alfa y Omega, 1979-81). Write for price, paper, 595 pgs. A uniquely thoughtful historical study by the country's leading Marxist historian. These volumes trace Dominican history from pre-colonial times to the early years of the 20th century. (Editora Alfa y Omega, Calle Jost Contreras No. 69, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.) Pedro Catrain and Jos6 Oviedo, Estado y crisis politica: Rep(blica Dominicana 1980 (Editora Alfa y Omega, 1981). Write for price, paper, 727 pgs. An "analisis de coyuntura" of the period from May to August 1980. As the authors note, this study has "as its central object the analysis of the given correla- tion of forces among the various social sectors which enter into the dynamics of power at a given historical moment." (Editora Alfa y Omega.) Juan Isidro Jimenes-Grull6n, Nuestra fala Izqulerda (Editora Alfa y Omega, 1980). Write for price, paper, 350 pgs. A sharply critical analysis of the traditional Left, examining the problems, conceptions and attitudes of the parties. This work, which itself comes from a leftist perspective, appeared at a moment when the parties were talking of greater unity. It spurred a series of roundtable discussions on the state of the Left. These were gathered into Debate sobre In laquierda (Ediciones Dominicana Populares, 1980). Write for price, paper, 505 pgs. (Ediciones Dominicana Populares, Femando Alberto Defillo No. 35, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.) CERESD, No. 11 (1981). Write for price, paper, 605 pgs. This special issue of the publication of the Centro de Estudios de la Realidad Social Dominicana, a leading Dominican research in- stitute, contains three studies of the Balaguer period. Much of the analysis focuses on industrial development and its political consequences. (Editora Alfa y Omega.) Isis Duarte, Capitalismo y super-poblacl6n en Santo Domingo (Codia, 1980). Write for price, paper, 552 pgs. A study of the rural labor force in relation to contemporary trends in the Dominican economy. Examines labor participation in the marginalized barrios of Santo Domingo. (Coleglo Dominicano de Ingenieros, Arquitectos y Agrimensores, Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo.) NovIDwclI2 Henry J. Frundt, Gulf & Western In the Dominican Republic: An Evaluation (ICCR, 1979). $8.00 plus postage, paper, 110 pgs. A comprehensive, well-documented look at the operations and impact of this major transnational corporation in the Dominican Republic. (Interfaith Center on Corporate Respon- sibility, 475 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10115.) Hamlet Hermann, Caracoles: La guerrilla de Caemaflo (Editora Alfa y Omega, 1980). Write for price, paper, 258 pgs. The per- sonal account of the 1972 guerrilla struggle led by Francisco Alberto Caamafio as written by one of the two survivors. (Editora Alfa y Omega.) Josd Antinoe Fiallo Billini, Educar par el socialismo (Editora de la UASD, 1979). Write for price, paper, 227 pgs. A collection of essays critiquing the current educational model in the Dominican Republic and proposing new strategies for reform. (Editora de la UASD, Apartado Postal No. 1355, Santo Dom- ingo, Dominican Republic.) Nelson Moreno Ceballos, Estado, claes sociales y lucha politicas on Ia Repdblica Domlnicana: 1844-1982 (Ediciones Nuevo Rumbo, 1982). Write for price, paper, 225 pgs. Concise analysis of the emergence and transformation of the state in the Dominican Republic. (Ediciones Nuevo Rumbo, Apartado Postal 2298, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.) Eduardo J. Tejera, Diagna6tico de la economic dominicana, 1979-1981 (Consejo Nacional de Hombres de Empresa, 1981). Write for price, paper, 130 pgs. Up-to-date conservative look at the direction of the national economy. (Consejo Nacional de Hombres de Empresa, Santo Domingo, R.D.) Howard J. Wiarda and Michael J. Kryzanek, The Dominican Republic! A Caribbean Crucible (Westview Press, 1982). 58.50, paper, 153 pgs. A look at contemporary Dominican politics and social institutions, co-authored by a prolific writer and State Department consultant on Dominican affairs (Wiarda). Useful introduction to Dominican studies. (Westview Press.) MISCELLANEOUS Eleanor MacLean, Between the Unes: How to Detect Bias and Propaganda in the News and Everyday Life (Black Rose Books, 1981). $12.95, paper; $20.95, cloth, 296 pgs. Very useful and readable guide designed for group or individual learning. Excerpts and reprints from the Canadian press are an- alyzed and questions for further study and discussion provided. Coverage of Zimbabwe's liberation process and Brazil's "underdevelopment" are treated as case studies. Full of delightful cartoons. An appendix profiles the Canadian media scene. (Black Rose Books, 3981 Boulevard St. Laurent, 4th Floor, Montr6al, Qu6bec, Canada, H2W 1Y5.) Elliott Shore, Laura Daly and Patricia Case, eds., Alternative Press: Selections From the Alternative Press, 1979-1980 (Temple University Press, 1982). $14.95, paper; $30, cloth, 521 pgs. "Stories, events and issues that the mass media ig- nored, distorted, buried or missed altogether," reads the sub- title of this wonderful collection of the best of the non- mainstream press. Themes covered include press, nukes, ap- propriate technology. third world (NACLA is represented by a piece on El Salvador), corporate connections, repression, women, lesbians and gay men, work, organizing and the move- ment. Great reading for those seeking missed information or for journalism buffs. (Temple University Press, Broad and Oxford Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19122.)


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