In Review

September 25, 2007

Sanctuary: A Resource Guide for Understanding and Participating in the Central American Refugees' Struggle edited by Gary MacEoin. Harper & Row, 1985, 217 pp. $7.95 (paper). Twenty short articles drawn from the proceedings of a two-day symposium held in Tucson, Arizona, in January. Covers the theological, historical, ethical and legal aspects of the sanctuary movement. Heralds of a New Reformation: The Poor of South and North America by Richard Shaull. Orbis Books, 1984, 140 pp. $8.95 (paper). A highly readable interpretation of liberation theology written for First World Christians. La iglesia de los pobres en America Central, edited by Pablo Richard and Guillermo Meldndez. Departamento Ecum6nico de Investigaciones, 345 pp. Write for price (paper). An histor- ical look at the Church in each Central American country. (Apartado 339, San Pedro de Montes de Oca, San Jos6, Costa Rica. English edition forthcoming from New York CIR- CUS, see address below.) The Religious Roots of Rebellion: Christians in Central American Revolutions by Phillip Berryman. Orbis Books, 1984, 452 pp. $19.95 (paper) The most comprehensive examination of the emergence of Christian participation in Central America's revolutionary movements, through 1983. Ideological Aggression Against the Sandinista Revolution: The Political Opposition Church in Nicaragua by Ana Maria Ezcurra. New York CIR- CUS, 1984, 232 pp. $6.95 (paper). Analyzes the political role and inter- national alliances of the Nicaraguan Catholic hierarchy's opposition to the Sandinista government. (PO Box 37, Times Square Sation, New York, NY 10108.) Peacemaking II: U.S. Religious Statements on Central America 94 pp. $4 (paper). Statements by 21 major U.S. denominations and four interdenominational agencies, and pastoral letters by five U.S. bishops, expressing opposition to Reagan's Central America policies. (Available from Inter-Religious Task Force on Central America, 475 Riverside Drive, 5th floor, New York, NY 10115.) Latinamerica Press Individual sub- scription: $40; institutional subscrip- tion: $60. Weekly English-language newsletter on Latin America, with strong emphasis on church affairs. (Apartado 5594, Lima 100, Peru.) Estudios Centroamericanos Sub- scription: $40. Bi-monthly Spanish- language journal of San Salvador's Jesuit University, frequently covers Central American church matters. May 1985 issue commemorates the fifth anniversary of the death of Oscar Romero. (Universidad Centroameri- cana Jos6 Sime6n Cafias, Apartado (06) 668, San Salvador, El Salvador.) Envio Subscription: $25. Good monthly source of information on contemporary Nicaragua, with fre- quent focus on the conflict within the Nicaraguan Church. (Central Ameri- can Historical Institute, Intercultural Center, Georgetown University, Wash- ington, DC 20057.) Witness for Peace Newsletter Bi- monthly publication on the organiza- tion's activities in Central America and the United States, resources for church activists and reflections on the writings of liberation theologians. (Witness for Peace, 515 Broadway, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 or Witness for Peace Newsletter, 2124 Kittredge, Suite 92, Berkeley, CA 94704 (414) 763-5344.)


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