
Bob High
September 11, 1978, marks five years since the Chilean Armed Forces overthrew Salvador Allende's Popular Unity government in one of Latin America's most brutal and violent coups. During this five-year period, the Chilean people have been recovering from the blows of the coup, coming to terms with life under the military dictatorship, and slowly and painfully building a popular resistance movement.
Sherry Keith
The following article updates the May-June 1978 NACLA Report on Jamaica, "Caribbean Con- flict: Jamaica and the U.S.
James Goff ; Adapted by NACLA.
When Catholic bishops meet in Puebla, Mexico, in October for the III General Conference of the Latin American Episcopacy (CELAM) they will be setting the course of the institutional church for years to come. The number one item on the hidden agenda is whether the church is to follow ...
William Bollinger
The popular mood in Peru has become more volatile with each passing month. Three successful nationwide general strikes in the last year - the first since 1919 - have emboldened workers, giving them a heightened sense of their own power.


Ed McCaughan
Even as it began, 1968 seemed to mark a new historical period for the world economy and the world-wide class struggle. "With so many problems flowing together, [the U.S.] was...
Roberto Escudero & Salvador Martinez Della Rocca
"All of us were reborn on October 2. And on that day we also decided how we are all going to die: fighting for genuine justice and democracy.
The people back the movement because it has catalyzed the discontent they feel at not having the barest necessities. The people take part in the movement because it is their children who have had the courage to denounce repression and the violation of constitutional rights.
Marcelo Gonzalez & Peter Baird
While students throughout Mexico were campaigning for democratic rights in the late '60s, Chicano/Mexican youth in the U.S. were also...