
IN THE SUMMER OF 1897, GREAT BRITAIN celebrated the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria. The British Empire was at its zenith; British commer- cial power had no rivals.


Alfred J. Watkins
IN THE BRITISH WEST INDIES, AFTER emancipation from slavery, the old sugar planta- tion owners grudgingly agreed to share their legislative powers with an assertive new middle class. This sys- tem of restricted franchise, known as Crown Colony rule, was a peculiarly British form of carrot-and-stick.
Lindie Bosniak
"The U.S.
Democracies and Tyrannies of the Caribbean by William Krehm. Law- rence Hill, 236 pp.
Surely it is a crime against nature and civilization that Jamaica, Barbados, Dominica, Antigua, the Bahamas and other of the British-American islands should be al- lowed to die of dry rot because of tariff laws. .
Adopt-a-Contra "I felt important in Honduras," says James Adair, a 36-year-old Houston adventurer who recently spent six weeks there accompanying right-wing guerrillas on forays into Nicaragua. "It was exciting.
STATE DEPARTMENT LIBERALS HAD FIRED the opening shots in the Carter Administration's Caribbean policy. Now it was the turn of hawks in the defense and intelligence communities to plot a change of course.
ITEM: DECEMBER 4, 1980. SANTIAGO NON- ualco, El Salvador.
WHEN JIMMY CARTER TOOK OFFICE, Washington's distaste for Third World interven- ionism was at its height. The debacle in Vietnam and he Church Committee hearings on CIA operations mere fresh memories; national liberation movements vere enjoying sweeping successes on the battlefield, nd new-found moral prestige.
Epigmenio Ibarra
FMLN commander Ana Guadalupe Martinez, of the People's Revolution- ary Army (ERP), was interviewed in Panama on June 27, eight days after an FMLN commando unit killed four U.S.