
October 26, 2018
Greg Grandin

By 1979, much of the southern cone had fallen to right-wing military dictatorships in an era defined by militarist anti-communism, the defeat of the working class movement, and the emergence of neoliberalism. From our 50th anniversary issue, available open access for a limited time.

July 31, 2018
Gabriela Garton and Nemesia Hijós

Argentina’s women’s soccer team is tired of being sidelined and mistreated. Now they are fighting back, and the Argentine Football Association is taking note.

June 7, 2018
Cora Fernandez Anderson

Argentina’s Lower House will vote on a bill to legalize abortion on June 13 after a congressional debate opened in March for the first time in the country’s history. Why is it happening now, and why has it taken so long?

May 23, 2018
Claire Branigan

As Argentina debates a new law to legalize abortion, activists like Sandra Hoyos are rallying for a pro-choice future for the country.

March 9, 2018
Michelle B. Switzer

How a rising grassroots movement in Argentina’s third most populous city could reshape the country’s political landscape

March 8, 2018
Claire Branigan and Cecilia Palmeiro

NACLA spoke with Argentinian feminist activist Cecilia Palmeiro, a founding member of the Ni Una Menos feminist collective and organizer of the 2018 International Women’s Day Strike.

January 8, 2018
Juan Cruz Ferre

Recent pension cuts backed by Argentine President Mauricio Macri have elicited vigorous popular protest.

December 18, 2017
Nicole Fabricant, Brett Gustafson, and Laura Weiss

NACLA's editors introduce the latest print issue, Fossil Fuels and Toxic Landscapes.

November 6, 2017
Ernesto Semán and Gabriel Vommaro

Mauricio Macri’s center-right party, Cambiemos, had a robust showing in October’s midterm elections. What does this say about democracy in Argentina?

September 28, 2017
Bronwyn Scott-McCharen

Brutal cuts in government funding for scientific and academic research are a devastating, though lesser known, part of the neoliberal agenda in Latin America.


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