Rafael Correa

March 13, 2019
Timm Benjamin Schützhofer

In Ecuador, President Lenín Moreno has allied with his political opponents to implement a conservative economic agenda, threatening to undo the country’s strides in tackling poverty and inequality over the past decade.

January 26, 2017
Moira Birss

From attempts to close Ecuador’s leading environmental rights NGO to megaprojects on indigenous lands, Rafael Correa’s government continues to criminalize and threaten environmental activists and indigenous people. 

July 7, 2013
On Friday, I participated in a panel discussion hosted by Al Jazeera English’s weeknight news program “Inside Story Americas,” along with Latin America scholars Gerardo Munck of the University of Southern California and Diana Villiers Negroponte of the Brookings Institution, on the ramifications of the U.S. hunt for whistleblower Edward Snowden.
July 2, 2013
Alexandra Hall

NACLA Radio’s Alex Hall spoke with John Coatsworth, Latin American Historian and Provost of Columbia University, about Edward Snowden's political asylum request to Ecuador. Listen to his analysis of the political and economic implications President Rafael Correa’s decision could have in regard to relations with the United States.

February 16, 2013
Catesby Holmes

Incumbent Rafael Correa is the clear frontrunner in Ecuador. So journalists are finding new ways to cover the country's upcoming presidential election.

February 16, 2013
The New York Times reinforces attitudes that Latin American politics can be little more than a primitive charade, starring authoritarian leaders and a hoodwinked public, punctuated by laughable distractions. Thankfully—at least within the paper's coverage—this "political theater of the absurd" isn’t commonplace here at home.
September 5, 2012
When Ecuador granted asylum to Australian journalist Julian Assange in mid-August, and then, two weeks later, the United States provided asylum to Ecuadorian journalist Emilio Palacio, the two cases threw the hypocrisy of the establishment press into stark relief.
June 25, 2012
A June 20 blog post by Harvey Morris, featured on the website of The New York Times, pointedly asks in its headline, “Asylum for Assange: What’s in It for Ecuador?” Writing for the paper of record, Morris understandably looks at Ecuador's policy considerations through the lens of that government’s own self-interest. But the Times selectively applies this kind of examination.
January 6, 2012
Two precedent-setting environmental challenges in Ecuador—an initiative to save the Yasuní rainforest, and a landmark lawsuit against Chevron Oil for dumping billions of gallons of toxic waste—have recently returned to the headlines, with their fates potentially intertwined.
August 30, 2011
Michael Corcoran

On September 30, CNN’s correspondent in Ecuador, Rodolfo Muñoz, resigned after 14 years on the job. That day Muñoz had covered a police revolt that paralyzed Ecuador, in what President Rafael Correa called a coup attempt. Muñoz’s decision to quit raises questions about how the U.S. media covered the crisis.

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