Appendix: AID "Public Safety" Programs

September 25, 2007

The AID Public Safety programs pro-
vide assistance in the form of technical
advice, training, and in some cases limited
amounts of equipment to civil police in
16 Latin American countries. Basic to all
public safety efforts is the developing of a
police institution and the improvement of-
its capability to exercise its proper role in
its country's development. In addition to
improving the police responsibility for
the preservation of law and order and the
protection of life and property, the pro-
grams seek to orient the police to func-
tion as an important community service
and inculcate the concept of "public ser-
vice" in policing, including the protection
of the peoples' rights to dissent within
the boundaries of law.
BOLIVIA: The basic program objec-
tives in Bolivia are (1) to improve and
expand the National Police Academy's
capacity for training, (2) to establish a
country-wide telecommunications system
and (3) to develop a capability for the
provision of adequate police services to
the public in lesser cities and rural areas.
BRAZIL: The Public Safety program
has assisted the Brazilian police in the
installation of a national communications
system and the establishment of federal
law enforcement institutions which pro-
vide training and technical services to the
police of any requesting state within Bra-
zil. To this end, the National Police Aca-
demy, National Institute of Criminalistics
have been established and the National
Telecommunications Training and Main-
tenance Center is nearing completion.
CHILE: The Public Safety program in
Chile has been limited primarily to tech-
nical assistance in the telecommunica-
tions and vehicle fleet management fields.
The basic national telecommunications
installation was completed by the end of
1968; program emphasis is presently be-
ing placed on telecommunication main-
tenance and repair training.
COLOMBIA: The purpose of the Pub-
lic Safety Project in Colombia is to in.
crease the police capabilities to maintain
law and order in a humane manner
through the improvement of training in-
;titutions and assistance in the telecom-
munications and vehicle patrol fields.
Communications equipment has been ex-
tended to 13 of the 22 departments, as
well as to 19 major cities which previous-
ly were lacking such services.
COSTA RICA: The program began in
Costa Rica with fragmented and decen-
tralized public forces in 10 separate agen-
cies. Progress has been made in the estab-
lishment of a National Police School,
organization, administration, and manage-
ment training and in the field of telecom-
munications installation and mainte-
Safety assistance has been provided the
Dominican Republic to rebuild the police
forces after Trujillo by improving mobil-
ity, establishing modern training institu-
tions, expanding and improving the com-
munications network and developing
their maintenance capabilities.
ECUADOR: Public Safety efforts in
Ecuador have been directed toward (1)
providing technical assistance in creating
an adequate police capability in urban
areas, (2) improvement and expansion of
the telecommunications network, (3)
technical assistance in establishing vehicle
maintenance facilities, (4) improvement
in the rural police school and (5) assis-
tance in establishing a central identifica-
tion system.
EL SALVADOR: The Public Safety
program encompasses the civil law en-
forcement agencies and the primary pro-
gram objectives are (I ) to establish a basic
police communications network, (2) im-
plementation of a modern records sys-
tem, (3) improvement of the National
Police School and crime laboratory and
(4) assistance in the reorganization of
patrol zones
GUATEMALA: Public Safety has as-
sisted the police of Guatemala in estab-
lishing a model precinct in Guatemala
City and a model rural town police sys-
tem, in improving the crime and photo
laboratory, in converting the fingerprint
system to conform with other countries
in the Western Hemisphere and in estab-
lishing a mobile crime scene processing
GUYANA: -The purpose of the Public
Safety Project in Guyana is to provide
technical assistance in training, operations
and communications, in addition to assis-
tance in the development of police leader-
ship and expanding planning at the na-
tional level to improve research, budget-
ing and operational procedures.
HONDURAS: The Public Safety pro-
gram in Honduras has devoted its efforts
to the reorganization of the civil security
force and the establishment of a modern
training facility in addition to imple-
menting an effective communications net-
work. Current efforts are devoted to im-
provements in leadership, organization,
.dlllillinla tion and in the police manage-
ment field.
JAMAICA: The Public Safety program
has been designed to assist te Jdmaican
government in carrying out a major reor-
ganization of its police force. This is
being accomplished through technical as-
sistance in the areas of training, adminis-
tration, communication, records, opera
-tions and identification procedures. In
addition, a highway patrol unit has been
established to curb the growing highway
traffic fatalities.
PANAMA: The Public Safety project
assists the government of Panama in cor-
recting deficiencies in organization, ope--
ations, communications, records, patrol.
inspection and training of its forces per-
forming civil police functions. Improve-
ments have resulted in all these areas.
particularly in training, organization and
communications. Technical assistance has
also been provided in the implementation
of police social-civic action programs.
PERU: The Public Safety program in
Peru assists three law enforcement agen-
cies, the Civil Guard, the Investigative
Police of Peru and the Republican Guard.
Administrative and organizational assis-
tance in addition to technical advice in
police records and communications have
been the primary efforts of the program.
This program has been greatly reduced
URUGUAY: The Uruguay Public Safe-
ty program provides assistance to highly
decentralized police forces. Pilot mobile
police patrols have been implemented in
the capital city which are serving as exam-
ples to other urban areas, with a substan-
tial decrease in the crime rate. Technical
assistance has also been provided in police
communications, establishment of main-
tenance facilities for both communication
and vehicle repairs and in the field of
training by upgrading the instructional
material in the police training insti-
VENEZUELA: Public Safety technical
advice has been provided to the Govern-
ment of Venezuela in developing a uni-
fied command and Communications Cen-
ter, implementation of an automatic data
processing for records, improved urban
mobility and an improved rural police
capability.- 12 -
MIrTARY by Peter O'Connell
In July Richard Nixon saT up a blu~-ribbn panel" to make a yeaar-long study of the Defense Department's manage- ment, research, procurement, and decision-making machinery. This study would supposedly be a comprehensivee m- view" leading to reforms to "enable the department to perform its national security mission better, and to save the tax- payer money eliminating wasteful practices of the past." For performing this "patriotic" service in the "national interest", Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird contributed $5000.00 to the committee.
Most of the members of the committee have strong ties to the military, big business, racist clubs, elite universities and the Republican Party. The panel's symbol should be a dollar sign ayd a death's head instead of a blue ribbon. Here is the committee with some (but only some) of their connections.
GILBERT W. FITZHUGH. Chairman of the board and chief executive offi- cer of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company of New York. Director, Chaie Manhattan Bank. Director, Consolidated Edison Co., N.Y., Inc. Trustee, National Industrial Conference Board. Trustee, Committee for eco- nomic Development. Vice President, New York Chamber of Commerce. Member, Union League Club. Member, Princeton Club of New York. Mem- ber, Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club.
WILLIAM M. BLACKIE. Chairman of the board Caterpillar Tractor Company, Peoria, Ill. Office manager General Show Corp. President and director General Retail Corp. Vice-president and director Burland Shoe Co. Vice- president Dior Shoe Co. Director Nashville and Dicatur Rbilroad. Direc- tor Agnew-Surpass Shoe Stores, Ltd. Director Third National Bank. Presi- dent and director of National Associa- tion of Shoe Chain Stores. Member, Univenity Club of New York.
GEORGE CHAMPION. President Economic Development Board of New York City. Executive National Bank of Commerce of New York City. As- sistant secretary Equitable Trust Co. Vice-President Canal Bank and Trust Co. Second Vice-president Chase National Bank. Chairman of the board of directors Chase Manhattan Bank. Director Chase International Invest- ment Corporation. Director Interna- tional Paper Company. Director Am- erian Smelting and Refining Co. Di- rector and treasurer Freedoms Founda- tion. Trustee-at-large Independent Col- Iep Funds of America. Board of di- rectors Youth Development, Inc. New York City chairman Radio Free Europe Fund. Treasurer national campaign United Negro College Fund. Member Association of Reserve City Bankers. Director New York Association of Com- merce and Industry. President New York City Chamber of Commerce. Di- rector, Blind Brook Club. Member Dartmouth College Club. Member Eco- nomic Club. Member Union Club. Member University Club of New York City. Member Augusta, Georgia, Na- tional Golf Club.
WILLIAM P. CLEMENTS, JR. Presi- dent SEDCO, Inc., Dalla.
JOHN M. FLUKE. President Fluke Manufacturing Company, Seatle.
DR. MARVIN L. GOLDBERGER. Research associate and consultant Uni- varsity of California Radiation Labor- tory. Reeis mSociete Mausehu- mtts Instute fTechnology. Pr femor of physics Prin en UnhveAy. Conultant Broaklven Ntional Lab era . Fellow Amrican Physics Soc. Fellow Ameiman Academy o Arts and fences. Member Nationl Academy of Slenrc.
ROBERT C. JACKSON. Executive of Security First National Bank of Los Angeles. Vice-president West Shore n- vestment Holding Co. Rads Aeronautical Company of San Chairman of the board Continental Motors Corporation. President and di- rector South Shore Real Estate toran Co. President and director Jackson In- vestment Co. General partner Carter Investment Co. Director Continental Aviation and Engineering Corp. Mem- ber Defense Orientation Conferance Association. Member Society of Am erican Military Engineers. Member Air Force Associatiln. Member Army Aviation Assocltion. Member Nati.n- al Management Association. Member Navy League of the United States. Member Aerospace Industries Associa- tion of America. Director San Diego Chamber,of Commerce. Member Burn- ing Tree Golf Club of Bethesda, Md.
c I
Sources: The New York Times, July 20, 1969, pages 1, 24. Who's Who in Arnerica, 19667, Vo. $4. Who's Who in the Midwest, 1. 7i, Vol. 10.
RUBEN F. METTLER. Associate di- vision director systems research and de- velopment Hughes Aircraft Co. Special
consultant to Assistant Secretary of De- fense. Assistant general manager guided missile research division Ramo- Wooldridge Corp. President and direc- tor Spence Technology Labortorie. Vice-president and assistant president Thompson Ramo Wooldridge Systems Group. vice-chairman of Defense In- dustry Advisory Council. Member American Rocket Society. Member Scientific Research Society of Amer- ica. Member Cosmos Club of Washing- ton, D.C. Patentee interrontnr Fir Control Systems.
DR. MARTHA E. PETERSON. Presi- dent Barnard College, New York, Dr. Peterson is one of only two women on the panel.
LEWIS F. POWELL, JR. Director Commonwealth Natural Gas Corp. Director Ethyl Corp. Director Philip Morris, Inc. Director State-Planters Bank of Commerce & Trusts. Director Miller & Rhoads, Inc. Colonel U.S. Army Army Air Force. Chairman Richmond Public Schools Board. Member Virgin- ia Board of Edueaion Trustee Hol- lis College Trustee Washington & Lee Uhiverity. Fellow American Bar Foundation. Member American Law Institute. President Richmond Cham- ber of Commerce. Member Society of the Cincinnati. Member Sons of the Colonial Wars. Member Common- wealth Club. Member Century Club. Member University Club of New York City.
DR. GEORGE P. STIGLER. Fellow Center for advanced Study in Behav- ioral Sciene. Professor of American Institutions University of Chicago. Member of the board of trustees Carle- ton College. Member, research staff, National Bureau of Economic Research. Member American Economic Asocia- tion. Member Royal Economic Society. Author Trends in Employment in the Service Industries. Co-author Supply and Demand for Scientific Personnel. Author The Intellectual in the Market Place.
S. LEONA P. THURMAN. Secretary Jackson County Republican Committee. Member of the council Women's Na- tional Republican Club. Charter mam- be World Conferm of World Peace Through Rule of Law. Member Amer- ican Bar Association.
CLAUDE YOUNG. Special administra- tive assistant to commissioner of Nation- al Football League, New York. Claude Young is a former football star. He and Mr. Thurman are the only blacks on the panel.
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LANE KIRKLAND. Secretary-Treas- urer AFL-CIO, Washington. Conservative Lane Kirkland is the only member of the panel connected with a labor organization.
HOBART D. LEWIS. Advertising copy writer for N.Y. Ayer & Son. President and executive editor of Reader's Digest Association, Inc. Plesantville, N.Y.
WILFRED J. McNEIL Executive Des Moines Register & Tribune Co. Country and city circulation mrnanaer Washington Post. Fiscal director, with rank of rear admiral United States Navy. Assistant secretary of defense and comptroller Department of Defense. President Grace Line, Inc. President Gulf and South American Steam Ship Line. Director Fairchild Hiller Corp. Director W.R. Grace & Co. Chairman
Coanittee of Amencen Steam Ship Lins. Member Navy League. Mem- ber India House. Member Metropolitan Club of New York.
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`b r I,%,-U.S. Air Force Overseas Bases
Albrook AFB. Canal Zone
APO New York 09625
llq. USAF Southern Command
Communications base, AFSC
Anderaen AFB, Guam
APO San Franciseo 96334
Strategic bomber base, SAC
Ankara AS, Turkey
APO New York 09254
TIUSLOG detachment, AFCS
Athenal Airport, Greece
APO New York 09223
Support base, [iSAFE
Aviano AB, Itals
APO New York 09293
Tactical group, tISAFE
Bien Ho AB, South Vietnam
AP() San Francisco 96227
Tactical fighter base, PACAF
Binh Thuy AB, South Vietnam
APO San Francisco 96320
Combat support base, PACAF
Bitburg AB, West Germany
APO New York 09132
Tactical fighter base, SAFE
Camp New Amsterdam, The Netherlands
APO New York 09292
Fighter. interceptor base, SAFE
Cam Ranh Bay, South ietnam
APO San Franisro 96326
Tactical fighter base, PACAF
Ching Chuan Kang AB, Taiwan
APO San Francisco 96319
Combat support base, PACAF
Cigli AB, Turkey
APO New York 09016
Tactical fighter base, 'SAFE
Clark AB, Philippines
APO San Francisco 96274
Hq. 13th Air Force, PACAF
Communications base, AFCS
Da Nang Airport South Vietnam
APO San Francisco 96337
Tactical fighter base, PACAF
Don Munng Airport, Thailand
APO San Francisco 96303
Combat support base, PACAF
Erlin AS, West Germany
APO New York 09060
Fighter-interceptor base, USAFE
Frankfurt, West Germany
APO New York 09101
Support base, USAFSS
Fuehu AS, Japan
APO San Francisco 96525
Hq. 5th Air Foree, PACAF
Communications base, AFSC
Cooe AB, Labrador, Canada
APO New York 09677
Aerospace defense base, ADC
Strategic bomber base, SAC
Hahn AB, West Germany
APO New York 09109
Tactical fighter base, USAFE
High Wycombe AS, United Kingdom
APO New York 09241
Airlift base, MAC
Hdo AS, West Germany
APO New York 09684
Support base, USAFSS
Howard AFB, Canal Zone
APO New York 09817
Support, USAF Southern Command
Ineirlik AB, Turkey
APO New York 09289
Tactical fighter base, SAFE
Iraklion AS, Crete
APO New York 09291'
Support base, SAFSS
ltazuke AB, Japan
APO San Francisco 96529
Combat support base, PACAF
lamir, Turkey
APO New York 09224
Support base, ISAFE
Johnston Island AB, Central Pacific
AP() San Francisco 96305
Support base, air defense oerseas
Kadena AB. ()kinawa
APO San Francisco 96239
Air division base, PACAF
Strategic bomber base. SAC
Keflavik Airport, Iceland
FPO (S Na!), New York 09571
Fighter-interceptor base
Kimpo AB, South Korea
APO San Francisco 96276
Support base, PC:AF
Kindley AFB, Bermlda
APII New York 09856
\irlift base, MAC
Korat AB, Thailand
APO) San Francisco 96288
Tactical fighter base. PACAF
Kunsan AB, South Korea
APO San Francisco 96264
Tactical fighter base, PACAF
Kwangju AB. South Korea
API) San Francisco 96324
Combat support base, PACAF
Lajes Field, Aores
APO New York 09406
Airlift base, MAC
Lindsey AS, West Germans
APO New York 09633
l1q. IlS Air Forces in Europe
Communications base, AFCS
Mactan AB, Philippines
APO San Franciscu 96311
Combat support base. PACAF
Miaawa AB, Japan
APO San Francisco 96519
Tactical fighter base, PACAF
Moron AB, Spain
APO New York 09282
Combat support base, USAFE
Nabh AB, Okinawa
APO San Francisco 96235
Fighter-interceptor base, PACAF
Nakhon Phanom Airport, Thailand
APO San Francisco 96310
Special operations base, PACAF
Nam Phong AB, Thailand
APO San Francisco 96310
Tactical support base, PACAF
Naplea Admin., Italy
APO New York 09520
Support base, USAFE
Nha Trang AB, South Vietnam
APO San Francisco 96205
Special operations bae, PACAF
Oaan AB, South Korea
APO San Francisco 96570
Air division base, PACAF
Communications base, AFCS
Oslo, Norway
APO New York 09085
Support base, USAFE
Peahawar AS. Pakistan
APO New York 09665
Support base, SAFE
Phan Rang AB, South Viectoln
APO San Francisco 96321
Tactical fighter base, PACAF
Phu Cat AB, South Vietnam
APO San Francisco 96368
Tactical fighter base, PACAF
Pleiku Airport. South Vietnam
APO San Franrisco 96295
Special operations base, PACAF
Quarry Heights, Canal Zone
,PO New York 09826
11q. I SAF Southern Command
RAF Alconbury. nitcd Kingdom
AP) New York 09328
Tactical reconnaissace base. I SAFE
RAF Bentwaters, I nited Kingdom
AP() New York 09755
Tartical fighter chase. I SAFE
RAF Chicksand. I united Kingdom
APt) New York 09193
Support chase. I S FSS
RAF Lakenheath, nited Kingdom
AP() New York 09179
Tactical fighter hase, t SFE
RAF Mildenhall, I nited Kingdom
AP() New Xork 09127
Tartisal airlift base, I SFE
RAF Seulthorpe, I nited Kingdom
AP() New York 09048
Support chase, I SXFE
RAF Upper Heyford, I united Kingdom
AP() New uork 09194
Tactiral reonnaissance base, ISAFE
RAF West Ruislip, I nited Kingdom
PI) New uork 09128
Support hase, SAFE
RAF Wethersfield, I ilted Kingdon
AP() New tork 09120
Tactical fighter base I SA FE
RAF Woodbridge, I nited Kingdom
AP() New York 09405
Tactical fighter bhae, I SAFE
Ramey AFB. Puerto Rico
APO New York 09845
Strategic bomber base, SAC
Ramstein AB, West Germany
APO New York 09012
ilq. 17th Air Force, I SAFE
Tactical reconnlaissan e base, USAFE
C(ommnunication base, AFCS
Rhein-Main AB, West Germans
APO New York 09057
Tatlical airlift base, I SAFE
San Pablo, Spain
APO New York 09284
Support base, I SAFE
San Vito dei Normanni AS, Italy
APO New York 09240
Support base, I SAFSS
Sembach AB, Germany
APO New York.09130
Support base, [SAFE
Shu-Lin-Kou AS, Taiwan
APO San Francisco 96360
Support base, I SAFSS
Sondrestrom AB, Greenland
APO New York 09121
Support base, ADC
South Ruialip AS, United Kingdom
APO New York 09125
Hq. 3d Air Force, tSAFE
Communications base, AFCS
Spangdahlem AB, West German
APO New York 09123
Tactical fighter base, [SAFE
Suwon AB, South Korea
APO San Francisco 96211
Combat support base, PACAF
Tarhikawa ABR, Japan
APO San Francisco 96323
Air division base, PACAF
Taegu AB, South Korea
API) San Francisco 96213
(Combat support base, PACAF
Tainn AS, Taiwan
APO San Francisco 96340
Support base, PACAF
Taipei AS, Taiwan
APO San Francisco 96280
Air division base, PACAF
Takhli AB, Thailand
API) San Francisco 96373
Tactical fighter base, PACAF
Tan Son Nhut Airfield, South Vietnam
AP() San Francisco 96222
IS Military Assistance Comd. (MACV)
Tan Son Nhut Airfield, South Vietnam
P)PO San Francisco 96307
lq. 7th Air Force, PACAF
Air division base, PACAF
Combat support base, PACAF
Rescue and reroery base, MAC
Communications base, AFCS
Support base, SAC
Templehof Airport, Berlin, Germany
APO New York 09611
Support base, SAFE
Thule AB, Greenland
APO New York 09023
Aerospace defense base, ADC
Torrejon AB, Spain
API) New York 09238
llq. 161h Air Force, SAFE
Tactical fighter base, USAFE
Communications base, AFCS
Tuy Hot AB, South Vietnam
API) San Francisco 96316
Tactical fighter base, PACAF
Ubon Airfield, Thailand
APO San Francisco 96304
Tactical fighter base, PACAF
Udorn Airfield, Thailand
APO San Francisco 96237
Tactical reconnaissance base, PACAF
Communications base, AFCS
U-Tapao Airfield, Thailand
APO San Francisco 96330
Strategic bomber base, SAC
Combat support base, PACAF
Wakkanai AS, Japan
APO San Francisco 96270
Support base, lISAFSS
Wheeluna AB, Libya
APO New York 09231
Flying training base, USAFE
Wiesbaden AB, West Germany
APO New York 09332
Support base, [!SAFE
Weather base, MAC
Yamato AS, Japan
APO San Francisco 96323
Support base, PACAF
Yokota AB, Japan
APO San Francisco 96328
Tactical fighter base, PACAF
Yongaan AB, South Korea
APO San Francisco 96301
llq. United Nations Command/
US Forces, Korea/US 8th Army
Zaragno AB, Spain
APO New York 09286
Support base, SAFE
ADO Aerospace Defense Command MAC Military Airlift Command
AFOS USAF Communications Serv. PACAF Pacific Air Forces
AFLO USAF Logistics Command SAC Strategic Air Command
GEEIA Ground Electronics ngi- USAFE U.S. Air Forces, Europe
neering Installation Agency USAFSS USAF Security Service

Tags: USAID, public safety

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