The January 27, 1968 UPI wire carried the following report on David Rockefeller's recent visit to Colombia (translated from Bogota's E. Espectador of January 28, 1968):
Bogota, January 27; American banker David Rockefeller declared that the financial group he heads at the Chase Manhattan Bank of New York is interested in the idea of taking advantage of the San Juan and Atrato rivers in forming two lakes in Choco Department in the northeast of the country to develop that rain forest region.....
In a Press conference Rockefeller stated that tomorrow, on his return flight to New York in his private jet, he will fly over the Choco' to get a better idea of the conditions offered by the territory for the realization of the project.
(For details of this and a similar project in Brazil, see the October 1967 NACLA Newsletter and the December 1967 issue of Fortune.)