September 25, 2007

LATIN AMERICA The United States and Latin America: Next Steps, A Second Report by the Commission on U.S.-Latin America Relations, Center for Inter-American Relations, NY, Dec. 1976, 26 pp., free. Policy recommendations from a commission chaired by Sol Linowitz, Carter's current envoy to the Panama Canal negotiations. Bonnie Mass, Population Target: The Political Economy of Population Con- trol in Latin America, Latin America Working Group, Box 6300, Station A, Toronto, Ont., Canada, 256 pp. Human Rights in Nicaragua, Guate- mala, and El Salvador: Implications for U.S. Policy, Hearings before Sub- committee on International Organiza- tions of House Com. on International Relations, 94th Congress, Second Session, June 8 & 9, 1976, USGPO, Wash. D.C. 20402, 253 pp., S2.35. Manuel Moreno Fraginals, The Sugar Mill: The Socioeconomic Complex of Sugar in Cuba, trans. by Cedric Belfrage, Monthly Review, NY, 182 pp., S23.50. Classic study with exten- sive notes and illustrations; originally El Ingenio. Angel Quintero Rivera, Workers' Struggle in Puerto Rico: A Docu- mentary History, trans. by Cedric Belfrage, Monthly Review, 236 pp., S11.95. Covers 1904-1973. James Boyce & Francois Lombard, Colombia's Treatment of Foreign Banks, American Enterprise Inst., Wash., D.C., 56 pp., S3. Impact of Decree 295 requiring foreign banks to become joint ventures. Andre Gunder Frank, Economic Geno- cide in Chile: Monetarist Theory vs. Humanity, Spokesman Books, Not- tingham, England. Arturo and J. Samuel Valenzuela, Eds., Chile: Politics & Society, Trans- action Books, Rutgers, New Bruns- wick, Nj, S3.95. Donald C. Hodges, Argentina: The National Revolution & Resistance, U. of New Mexico Press, S4.95. Argentina, The Trade Union Struggle, Argentina Support Movement, 1 Cambridge Terrace, London NW1 4JL, mimeo, 22 pp. Three reports on Uruguay: Back- ground Information, Repression in Uruguay, and Uruguay Report #1 (Nov.-Dec. 1976), available from Com- mittee for Human Rights in Uruguay, 1 Cambridge Terrace, London NW1 4) L, mimeo, 10 pp. each. The Geological Imperative: Anthro- pology and Development in the Amazon Basin of South America, Anthropology Resource Center, Box 90, Cambridge, Ma 02138, 106 pp., S3. Effects of mineral exploration on indigenous peoples. INDUSTRY AND INVESTMENT STUDIES Research on Transnational Corpora- tions (UN Doc. #E/C 10/12/Add. 1) U.N. Economic & Social Council, Commission on Transnational Cor- porations. A basic bibliography. U.S. Dependence on Imports of Five Critical Minerals: Implications & Pol- icy Alternatives, Report to Congress by Comptroller General, 122 pp. Covers bauxite, chromium, manganese, nickel and tin. A. V. Krebs, 1976 Directory of Major U.S. Corporations Involved in Agri- business, Agribusiness Accountability Project-West, Box 5646, San Fran- cisco, CA 94101, 47 pp., S3.50 plus 25c postage. Profiles of top 126 firms. Thomas McCann, An American Com- pany: The Tragedy of United Fruit Company, Henry Scammell, ed., Crown Publishers, NY, 244 pp., S8.95. Memoirs of disenchanted ex UFCo. public relations vice president. Oscar Zanetti and Alejandro Garcia, United Fruit Co.: Un caso de dominio imperialista en Cuba, Inst. Cubano del Libro, Calle 14 #1404, Marianao 13, Havana, 450 pp. Case study using much internal company data. Marxism and the Mass Media: Towards a Basic Bibliography, #4-5, Intl. Mass Media Research Project, Intl. General, Box 350, NYC 10013, 95 pp. 204 annotated and indexed entries. D. Guttman and B. Willner, The Shadow Government: The Govern- ment's Multi-Billion-Dollar Giveaway of its Decision Making Powers to Private Management Consultants, "Ex- perts," and Think Tanks, Pantheon, Random House, 354 pp., S10. Exten- sive notes & index. Foreign Direct Investment in the United States, Report to Congress by U.S. Dept. of Commerce, USGPO, Wash., D.C., 9 vols. MILITARY/POLICE/CIA Peter Dale Scott, Crime & Cover-Up: The CIA, the Mafia, & the Dallas- Watergate Connection, Westworks Publishers, Box 2071, Berkeley, CA 94702, 80 pp., S3. Analysis of Schweiker-Hart Report on JFK assas- sination and the attempts to implicate Fidel Castro; extensive notes. Peter G. Lee, Interpol, Stein & Day, NY, 204 pp., S7.95. Sarah C. Carey, Project Director, Law & Disorder IV, Center for National Security Studies, Wash. D.C., 138 pp. Fourth in a series analyzing perform- ance of Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA). GENERAL Robert L. DeWitt, Ed., Struggling With the System, Probing Alternatives: A Study Action Guide, Church & Soci- ety Network/The Witness Magazine, Box 359, Ambler, PA 19002, 193 pp., S4.95. An introduction to socialism for the church. C. Fred Bergsten, The Dilemmas of the Dollar: The Economics & Politics of U.S. International Monetary Policy, a Council on Foreign Relations book published by NYU Press, 580 pp., S28.50. Liberal analysis of collapse in 1970's of postwar international mone- tary system.


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