
Catherine Orenstein
Ben Dupuy is one of Haiti's foremost radical journalists. In 1984 he founded the Committee Against Repression in Haiti.
Gloria Anzaldúa
To be disoriented in space is to be en nepantla, to experience bouts of disassociation of identity, identity breakdowns and buildups. The border is in a constant nepantla state, and it is an analog of the planet.
Susan Berger
The military's role in recent events has moved it once again into a prominent position. But an expanded political role for the military cannot bode well for the future of Guatemalan democracy.
Catherine Orenstein
At a demonstration last October against New York Times coverage of Haiti, Haitian protesters accused the newspaper of being "the voice of the state department." Their argument had some credibility: a three-month tracking from September, 1991 through December, 1991 shows that over 35% of sources who gave information or commentary in Times news articles were U.
Margaret Randall
Last year, writer and activist Margaret Randall returned to Nicaragua to talk to women about their participation in the revolution. She had interviewed many of the women 10 years previously for her book Sandino's Daughters (Vancouver New Star Books, 1981).
It is still a commonplace in Latin America that women's place is the private sphere of home and family, and men's, the public realm of workplace and politics. These sex-role expectations are deeply etched in the collective consciousness.
A year ago NACLA published an article by Peruvian feminist Virginia Vargas, "Women: Tragic Encounters with the Left" [Vol. XXV, No.
Jo-Marie Burt
Two years ago, a violent attack on the Ayacuchan vil- lage of Nufiunhuaycco- Patahuasi by the fundamentalist Maoist group Shining Path (Sendero Luminoso) left 22 peas- ants dead. Those lucky enough to escape fled into the mountains.
Surviving Beyond Fear: Women, Children and Human Rights in Latin America edited by Marjorie Agosfn, White Pine Press, 1993, 217 pp., $14.
A Few Changes in the Magazine here are a few present and pending changes we would like to bring to your atten- tion in this first issue of the 27th volume of NACLA Report on the Americas. For one thing, after two years of five-times-a-year publica- tion, we are resuming a bimonthly schedule.
Helen I. Safa
Though poorly paid and offering few chances of upward mobility, jobs in export manufacturing have provided women workers in the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico a weapon with which to challenge male dominance in the household. BY HELEN I.
Jo-Marie Burt
Some proponents of refugee resettlement argue that peasant defense patrols-rondas campesinas-are the answer to the security concerns of returning refugees. There is widespread consensus in Peru that the rondas have been the key tool in pushing Shining Path out of important areas it previously controlled in the Andean countryside and parts of the jungle.
Jo Fisher
While working-class women played key roles in the resistance to military dictatorships across the Southern Cone, the return of constitutional rule has, ironically, presented them with new challenges. Women must now find new ways of fighting for their rights.
Norma Stoltz Chinchilla
Under the healing rays of the sun and the salty ocean air, some 500 Central American women gathered at the beach resort of Montelimar, Nicaragua in March of last year to discuss the ques- tion of power. They talked about the power Central American women have in their "public" and "private" lives, the kind of power they would like to have, and how to go about getting that power.