Join NACLA and the NYU Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies for a dialogue with nine women who participated in the 2021 Chilean Constitutional Convention, which drafted a new constitution for the country. Although the draft document was ultimately rejected in a plebiscite, their proposals remain relevant as the constitutional process continues. The former delegates are in New York City to participate in the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67). They will be in conversation with Argentine amphibious research-activist Maristella Svampa.
This event is open to the public and will take place primarily in Spanish. Please RSVP to attend.
Tuesday, March 7, 2023 • 7:00-9:00pm EST
Location: La Maison Française, 16 Washington Mews, Manhattan
This event is organized by Pamela Calla (NYU CLACS), who organizes the Feminist Constellations Initiative. This event is also made possible with support from La Maison Française.