Join us this Friday for The Future of the Left in the Americas!


Join Dissent magazine, the New School, and NACLA for two days of discussion with scholars, activists, and journalists from across the Americas about the challenges and opportunities for left politics in the region today. Across Latin America, the “pink tide,” which saw a range of left governments come to power over the last two decades, is in retreat. At the same time, new, left-wing electoral and social movements have emerged in many countries in Latin America as well as the United States. It is a critical time to reconsider what limitations and accomplishments left governments and movements across the region have had in recent years, and how they can build on these lessons in the pivotal years ahead.

Don't miss NACLA staff and Editorial Board members as participants in the following panels:

Friday, October 5 | 4:30–6:15: Learning from the Cuban experience

How should Cuba’s experiences with socialism inform the thinking of the left elsewhere? What should a “left” politics look like in Cuba?

  • Michelle Chase (NACLA Editorial Board)
  • Harold Cárdenas Lema (Columbia University; Cuba)
  • Yasmín S. Portales Machado (Northwestern University; Cuba)
  • Andrés Pertierra (Independent researcher, USA)
  • Ailynn Torres Santana (FLACSO Ecuador; Cuba)

Saturday, October 6 |11:30–1:15: Toward a Left Political Economy

What models are available for building a left economy? How do we account for the role of markets? How do finance ambitious programs and redistribute national and international resources more equitably? What political constraints do economic conditions impose on left projects? What opportunities?

  • Christy Thornton (NACLA Editorial Board)
  • Jeffery Webber (Queen Mary, University of London, UK)
  • Lena Lavinas (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, via Skype)
  • Julia Ott (The New School, USA, chair)

Saturday, October 6 | 4:30–6:15: Solidarity in the Twenty-First century

What should solidarity look like in the 21st century? How can like-minded organizations and people support each other internationally? How should Latin American migration to the US affect the way we do solidarity work?

  • Alejandro Velasco (NACLA Executive Director)
  • Bill Fletcher, Jr. (Organizer and writer, USA)
  • Alexandra Delano (The New School, USA)
  • Lori Hanson (University of Saskatchewan, Canada)
  • Frances Negrón Muntaner (Columbia University, USA, chair)

For the full, updated program, click here

October 5-6, 2018 
The New School, Theresa Lang Community & Student Center,
Arnhold Hall 55 West 13th Street, 2nd floor, New York

This event is free and open to the public. To attend, please register via Eventbrite. You can also RSVP on Facebook. Click here for more information. 

Hope to see you there! - NACLA Staff


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