Here at NACLA, we know many of our readers are students and educators preparing to jump into a new school year, and we want to kick off the fall semester by your side.
For over 50 years, NACLA has been a vital pedagogical resource for students and educators, providing a platform for diverse Left perspectives and research across the Americas. Regardless of whether you read NACLA within academic halls or as a part of your independent research, scholarship, and activism, you can help us achieve our mission of advocating for a more socially just hemisphere.
We’re raising $10,000 by the end of the summer to start the school year off strong. Your donation of $25, $50, $100, or even $250 helps NACLA bring crucial news and analysis to new readers this school year.
Since our early issues, NACLA has covered student, teacher, and university worker movements, right-wing attacks on access to education, and the possibilities and challenges of educational institutions as sites of progressive change across the Americas.
Today, as local governments seek to ban books in U.S. schools and silence critical discourses in classrooms, NACLA continues to work to be a resource of anti-imperialist, progressive news and analysis—both in and out of the classroom.
NACLA’s position remains the same today as Marcello Gonzalez and Peter Baird stated in our 1978 print issue, Schooled in Conflict: Mexican & Chicano Students 1968–1978: "Education is a right, not a gift."
Your support helps bring NACLA’s 50-year legacy of anti-imperialist, progressive, decolonial analysis to a new generation of students, educators, activists, and engaged readers. Will you donate today to help us reach our goal? We’re thankful to have you as a part of our community, Naclistas.
#BacktoSchool with NACLA graphic photos from NACLA photo archives: Left: "Untitled" by Isay Benzwy c.1970s. Middle: "Paro FUPI (Federación Universitaria Pro Independencia), Marcha por Ricinto en Solidaridad con Huelga (...) (...)" credit unknown, 1974. Right: "Piquete Estudiante de la Escuela Rep. de Colombia por Suspención de Maestros" by Garcia, 1974.