From Reagan to Trump, the fight for sanctuary has deep roots in the United States. The lessons of the 1980s anti-war sanctuary movement are relevant for today’s immigrant rights struggles.
Trump's threat to take back the Panama Canal signals a new era of U.S. expansionism and the greatest attack on Central American sovereignty since the 1990s.
In the heat of parallel struggles against imperial oppression, one of the most prominent historical ideologues of El Salvador’s revolutionary movement played a key role in forging solidarity with the Middle East.
Alejandra Mejía with Roxana Bendezú, Ramón Mejía, Moises Rodriguez Cruz, Alyssah Roth, Alex Trejo, and Victor Urquiza
From Texas to North Carolina, Latine solidarity organizers connect the dots between U.S. imperialism in the Americas and Israel’s colonization of Palestine.
The recent book by Noam Chomsky and Vishay Prashad provides a critical analysis of the U.S. empire’s treatment of Cuba, from the Cuban Revolution to the present.
Chomsky and Robinson’s new critical survey of American foreign policy seeks to dispel the myth that the United States is devoted to promoting democracy and human rights.
Gerardo Sánchez Nateras's book uses a variety of Central American archives to present alternatives to the dominant narratives about the Nicaraguan revolution.