Ecuador’s electorate will go to a runoff vote in April in a highly polarized climate. At stake is a broader political struggle between authoritarianism and democracy.
Ecuador held its general election on February 9. Defying the polls, Ecuadorians will be heading to a runoff race in April to choose its next president.
Leonidas Iza, Ecuador’s presidential candidate with the Indigenous-aligned Pachakutik political movement, outlines his vision for governing a Plurinational State.
Through storytelling and analysis, Blanc’s book tells an interior history of Brazil by recounting the political initiatives and legacy of the Prestes Column.
In 2022, Guyana became the first country in the world to issue carbon credits on a national scale. Indigenous people say they were excluded from the negotiations and criticize the loss of autonomy in their territories.
Guatemala and Israel boast a long friendship dating to the formation of the Zionist state. Their shared histories of violence against Mayas and Palestinians bely each state’s claims to liberation.
[CLOSED] NACLA is currently accepting proposals for an issue on sites of knowledge production in Central America and the diaspora. Send your pitches by December 13.
Violence is on the rise in Zapatista territory. As an Indigenous “peacemaker” becomes the latest victim, communities call for justice, not militarization.
A draft health standard puts the labor and livelihoods of traditional midwives at risk. A network of autonomous midwives calls for an intercultural and intersectional approach to reproductive health care.
As blazes set new records, it is important to denormalize the framing of forest destruction as a simple natural cycle, detached from criminal activity, intentional deforestation, economic interests, and climate change.