
April 23, 2024
Michael Fox

Augusto Sandino is celebrated as a Nicaraguan revolutionary and liberator. The U.S invasion he resisted set the stage for dictatorship and, later, revolution.

April 12, 2024
Michael Fox

In the 19th century, U.S. filibusters invaded and annexed Latin American territories in the name of Manifest Destiny. One man’s quest to conquer Nicaragua shows the deep roots of U.S. efforts to “spread democracy” abroad.

January 18, 2024
Laura Hobson Herlihy

The Miskitu community along Nicaragua’s coast has long faced persecution and invisibilization. A recent increase in migration highlights the need for asylum protections for Miskitu youth.

March 31, 2023
Raúl Zibechi / Desinformémonos

The Latin American Left has largely distanced itself from Nicaragua’s Ortega. Still, understanding the shift from revolution to authoritarianism remains complex.

February 16, 2023
Lorraine Bayard de Volo

Karen Kampwirth’s new book examines nearly five decades of LGBTQ organizing, culture, persecution, and resistance in Nicaragua.

December 13, 2022
William I. Robinson

The internationally-renowned intellectual was arrested in late November, joining an ever-growing list of political prisoners detained by the Ortega regime.

June 10, 2022
Dánae Vílchez

Women’s rights groups supporting marginalized and impoverished people have been banned by Ortega’s authoritarian regime.

May 3, 2022
José Luis Rocha

En Nicaragua, la historia del gobierno luchando contra el imperio capitalista estadounidense expone contradicciones profundas.

May 3, 2022
José Luis Rocha

In Nicaragua, the story of a government fighting against the U.S. capitalist empire exposes deep contradictions.

December 15, 2021
Jonah Walters

The Sandinistas' economic platform claims that collective subsistence strategies empower workers and subvert neoliberalism, but the reality of Nicaragua’s economic development is more complex.


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