El Salvador

July 8, 2011
President Mauricio Funes reaffirmed last week that no mining projects will be permitted in El Salvador during his presidency, and condemned the recent murders of anti-mining activists.  But anti-mining organizations want a permanent legal ban on mining activity, and are critical of the government’s ongoing study to evaluate the costs and benefits of mining. At a recent meeting with international solidarity activists, Environmental Minister Herman Rosa Chávez offered insight into the government’s position.
March 30, 2011
Alexis Stoumbelis, Lisa Fuller, and Michael Fox

During President Barack Obama's five-day trip to Latin America from March 19-23, many throughout the hemisphere waited to hear whether Obama would demonstrate the new era of “mutual interest and mutual respect” with the region that he had promised during his campaign. What they heard was mostly “más de lo mismo” (more of the same), dressed up in a language of “partnership” and cooperation.

March 26, 2009
Justin Riley

Voters in El Salvador took the first step on March 15 toward turning the tide against 130 years of conservative rule over the country by electing Mauricio Funes of the leftist Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN) party as president. The FMLN's resilience and persistence has finally paid off. But after nearly three decades of struggle – on the battlefield, in the streets, and at the ballot box – the political forces that make up the FMLN now face perhaps their greatest challenge: governing.

September 25, 2007
Mimi Hurd
September 25, 2007
George Vickers
September 25, 2007
George Vickers
September 25, 2007
Sara Miles & Bob Ostertag
September 25, 2007
Sara Miles & Bob Ostertag
September 25, 2007
Sara Miles & Bob Ostertag
September 25, 2007
Sara Miles & Bob Ostertag


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