Bolivia’s economic and political crisis is a symptom of the moral decay of the Movement Towards Socialism party, putting into question its once revolutionary promises and horizons.
From food production to health and community justice, practices and experiments in autonomy across Latin America cultivate a thirdway alternative to electoral reform and revolutionary struggle.
In the face of Javier Milei’s dramatic cuts to public funding, a prison cooperative fights to keep supporting free education for incarcerated people.
Frente a los drásticos recortes que Javier Milei hizo a la financiación pública, una cooperativa penitenciaria lucha por seguir apoyando la educación gratuita de las personas privadas de la libertad.
The recent book by Noam Chomsky and Vishay Prashad provides a critical analysis of the U.S. empire’s treatment of Cuba, from the Cuban Revolution to the present.
Bolivia enters a multi-sided and violent crisis as the former president, facing sexual abuse charges and gunfire, presses to appear on the ballot again.
Tras la ola de tomas universitarias en Argentina, estudiantes se disputan la trayectoria del movimiento.
Behind Argentina’s tide of university occupations, student groups spar over the movement’s trajectory.
Renewed attacks on Haitian immigrants in the lead-up to the U.S. presidential election have created fertile ground for mass mobilization.
In Puerto Rico, debates over energy sovereignty and the political struggle for self-determination take center stage in the upcoming gubernatorial election.