
June 25, 2009

The Peruvian government and international media reports say that the Shining Path guerrilla group is in the process of staging a comeback. But statistics on violent acts linked to the Shining Path are inconclusive and statements from the guerrillas themselves present conflicting accounts of its activities and professed goals. Nonetheless, recent events raise pressing questions about the group's current status and potential for growth.

June 23, 2009

Relations between Bolivia and the United States took a dive during the Bush administration. Overtures made by both the Obama administration and Bolivian President Evo Morales suggest a possible thaw in bilateral relations. But stubborn and perhaps insurmountable obstacles stand in the way of diplomatic ties moving beyond Bush-era lows.

June 19, 2009

Most works on the Cuban Revolution concentrate on larger political issues, breakthrough moments, and endless political debates, but this book strikes a more personal, day-to-day note without ever neglecting the political. It reminds us of the ties between the political and the personal, which are often overlooked in writings about famous personages.

June 18, 2009

Correa says that Ecuador's government-backed “Citizens’ Revolution” will accelerate at an intensifying pace over the next four years. With a majority in the National Assembly and a Constitution that was drafted and approved during his first government by a broad convergence of allied forces, his path seems wide open. He also promises to work with other South American governments to create an alternative financial architecture for the region.

June 16, 2009

Mauricio Funes overcame staggering odds in becoming El Salvador's first left-leaning president. Having just taken office, his administration now faces perhaps the even more difficult task of governing, and expectations among his supporters are hugely inflated. Though presented with an unprecedented opportunity for change, Funes and the Salvadoran people face both perils and promise in the current political moment.

June 12, 2009

Five thousand Indigenous peoples from across the Americas gathered in the Peruvian highland city of Puno during the last week of May for the Fourth Continental Summit of Indigenous Peoples and Nationalities of Abya Yala. The meeting ended with a massive plenary session that approved resolutions providing alternative solutions to the capitalist crisis.

June 10, 2009

International and local media have repeatedly accused the Venezuelan government of stifling "free speech." But a recent controversy over an opposition news channel's coverage of a mild earthquake shows the government has legitimate reasons for holding politically motivated news channels accountable. The controversy also demonstrates how foreign media promote local distortions seeking to demonize the Chávez government.

June 8, 2009

Beginning with a series of protests last year, Peru's Amazonian indigenous groups are now leading a full-fledged rebellion against the pro-business policies of President Alan García. The government has responded with brutal violence to the protests, which are demanding that a series of decrees to promote extractive industries in the jungle be overturned among other things. Amazonian groups, who are being joined by an ever-widening swath of society, are now calling for García's resignation.

June 5, 2009

In the following excerpts from a conversation in December, Ramírez Leyva, a Mixtec restaurant owner in the southern Mexican city of Oaxaca, calls for a profound rethinking of the market-based models of profit and trade that lie at the heart of capitalist understandings of food policy.

June 3, 2009

The political crisis currently unfolding in Guatemala reads like the script of a Hollywood summer blockbuster. The Economist even quipped that it was like something out of Gabriel García Márquez’s novella Chronicle of a Death Foretold. But this is far from magical realism; in fact, it was the virtual reality of interactive networking websites – collectively labeled by some "Web 2.0" – that may have brought a presidency to its knees.
