The Cuban Revolution at 60, Venezuela, Revisiting Duvalier's legacy, and more!



The Cuban Revolution at 60: New Directions in History and Historiography

Join us next month at NYU for an international conference that will bring together scholars of the United States, Latin America, and the Caribbean to revisit existing narratives of Cuba's revolution, highlight avenues opened up by recent work, and open up a broader discussion about the methodological and theoretical possibilities that have opened by the fading of Cold War polarizations.

When: March 7-8, 2019

Where: King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center at NYU (First floor auditorium).

This event is free and open to the public. Click here for more information.


February 12, 2019
Widespread extrajudicial killings and other crimes against humanity have been all but wiped from Haiti’s historical memory. Will the son and grandson of two brutal dictators capitalize on this collective amnesia?
February 11, 2019
A year and a half after Hurricane Irma, efforts to exploit Barbuda to benefit the rich and powerful threaten to
erode culture, identity, and traditional land relations in the name of “development.”
February 8, 2019

Trump’s unwavering backing of Juan Guaidó’s shadow government in Venezuela attaches a “made in the U.S.A.” label to all those positioned to govern should Maduro fall. This could scuttle the opposition's chances of maintaining longstanding support among the majority of Venezuelans.

February 7, 2019

Jair Bolsonaro’s first month in office has been even worse than imagined, as the administration moves to loosen gun laws and pass a hardline penal reform amid corruption allegations against incoming senator Flávio Bolsonaro.

February 7, 2019

The Mexican Electrical Workers Union (SME) is Mexico’s most important independent union on the Left. Ten years ago, it was nearly destroyed. Today, its members are rebuilding through a new labor cooperative. 

February 5, 2019
Venezuela is in crisis, and Trump’s saber-rattling is making things worse. Our response should be guided by three principles: non-interventionism, self-determination, and solidarity with the oppressed.
Guatemala: Impunity for War Criminals, Again
February 5, 2019

Guatemala is poised to pass a law reversing its National Reconciliation Law, which prohibits amnesty for those who committed international crimes during the country’s civil war. Who benefits from blanket amnesty?

February 4, 2019

Ecatepec, Mexico, has one of the highest femicide rates in the country. Without enforcement of laws against gender-based violence, victims’ family members have had to become their own advocates as they seek justice for their murdered loved ones.

February 1, 2019
Mexico’s new progressive president says he has a just immigration plan. But critics say it’s flawed.
Ociel Alí López
January 30, 2019

A military coup d’état in Venezuela doesn’t seem likely so long as the Armed Forces support Maduro. Meanwhile, U.S. action will likely backfire, and serve only to strengthen those in power.

January 28, 2019

The decline of global capitalism points to another total economic collapse of Central America, reminiscent of the regional upheaval of the 1970s and 80s.

January 25, 2019
An interview with Simón Mejía of Bomba Estéreo on the Colombian band’s effort to preserve Colombia’s rainforests.
January 24, 2019

Juan Guaidó has declared himself the president of Venezuela. What comes next?

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