
June 4, 2024
Nathan Rossi

For transnational adoptees wrenched from El Salvador and Guatemala in the throes of civil war, storytelling and art are powerful tools for navigating identity, dislocation, haunting, and healing.

March 25, 2024
Mark Lewis Taylor

Israel y los Estados Unidos son responsables de perpetuar el Holocausto silencioso en Guatemala.

March 25, 2024
Mark Lewis Taylor

Israel and the United States share responsibility in perpetuating Guatemala's military-sponsored Silent Holocaust.

March 13, 2024

Respect for Indigenous sovereignty and self-government are essential to a future where peoples are not forced to migrate. Will Guatemala’s new government work with communities to make this a reality?

March 13, 2024

El respeto a la soberanía y autogobierno de los pueblos originarios hace posible que algún día no sean forzados a migrar. ¿Trabajará la nueva administración junto a los pueblos para hacer esto una realidad?

January 30, 2024
Michael Fox

Guatemala's new president Bernardo Arévalo is now in office. But the struggle to defend democracy against the forces fixated on blocking his rise to power isn't over yet.

January 25, 2024
NISGUA with the Association for Justice and Reconciliation

As a new government takes office, Indigenous leaders are pragmatic about their hopes in Guatemala. In the struggle against a corrupt judicial system, the arc toward reconciliation is long.

January 25, 2024
NISGUA con la Asociación por la Justicia y Reconciliación

Al tomar posesión un nuevo gobierno, líderes indígenas son pragmáticos sobre lo que esperan en Guatemala. En la lucha ante un sistema judicial corrupto, el camino hacia la reconciliación es largo.

January 12, 2024
NISGUA with Xinka Parliament

For leaders from the Xinka Parliament, one of the Indigenous authorities behind an ongoing national strike in Guatemala, the new government will provide a foundation to continue the struggle for democracy.

January 12, 2024
NISGUA con el Parlamento Xinka

Para los líderes del Parlamento Xinka, una de las autoridades indígenas detrás de un paro nacional actualmente en desarrollo en Guatemala, el nuevo gobierno proporcionará una base para continuar la lucha por la democracia.


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