A NACLA Radio interview with Bret Gustafson and Niki Fabricant on their article, "Revolutionary Extraction?” from the latest NACLA Report, Free Trade 2.0.
In Bolivia’s Chaco region, indigenous peoples are rethinking their visions of territory and autonomy in the context of the extractivist development model.
A pro-fracking report from the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat) is the latest step in the global push towards fracking, with the United States at the vanguard.
The growing contradiction between Bolivia's international championship of environmental and indigenous rights, and its vigorous domestic pursuit of extractivist economic policies, is exemplified by Vice President Alvaro García Linera. He recently addressed New York City's Left Forum on climate justice, after announcing his government's new plan to exploit oil and gas in its national parks.
As Bolivia inaugurates its first natural gas liquids separation plant, an important step towards the industrialization of gas, its obligations to Brazil—the major consumer of Bolivia's gas—pose a significant challenge.