Brazil’s highly militarized policing disproportionately impacts poor and racialized communities. By providing funding and training, the United States has helped exacerbate the crisis.
Alejandra Mejía with Roxana Bendezú, Ramón Mejía, Moises Rodriguez Cruz, Alyssah Roth, Alex Trejo, and Victor Urquiza
From Texas to North Carolina, Latine solidarity organizers connect the dots between U.S. imperialism in the Americas and Israel’s colonization of Palestine.
A former teacher and provincial mayor won a close runoff vote in Uruguay, signaling a return to the social welfare politics of the center-left Frente Amplio coalition.
Long associated with the Andean region, coca cultivation is expanding rapidly in Central America. As eradication efforts intensify, local communities may be in the crossfire.
On June 2, Mexicans will vote in the most violent elections in the country's history. Fears of reprisal from criminal groups, and the lack of an effective state response, weaken the democratic process.
Although Juan Orlando Hernández was convicted of drug trafficking in a New York court, the United States has yet to own up to its role in fostering state-sponsored drug trafficking in Honduras.