
April 24, 2024
Laura Blume

Aunque Juan Orlando Hernández fue condenado por tráfico de drogas en un tribunal de Nueva York, EE.UU. aún no ha reconocido su papel en fomentar el tráfico de droga patrocinado por el Estado en Honduras.

April 17, 2024
Laura Blume

Although Juan Orlando Hernández was convicted of drug trafficking in a New York court, the United States has yet to own up to its role in fostering state-sponsored drug trafficking in Honduras.

March 26, 2024
Michael Fox

Former president Juan Orlando Hernández has been convicted of drug trafficking. The United States and Canada remain unaccountable.

March 12, 2024
Michael Fox

The 2009 coup ratcheted up the sell-off of land and resources, enabled state-sponsored drug trafficking and corruption, and fueled a migrant exodus—all with U.S. and Canadian support.

February 27, 2024
Michael Fox

The 2009 U.S.-backed coup ruptured Honduras’s three-decade-old democracy. Despite a media blockade, militarization, and deadly repression, the people took to the streets—and refused to back down.

February 13, 2024
Michael Fox

Often overlooked in the story of U.S. imperialism in Central America, Honduras has served as a training base and staging ground for interventions throughout the region. In the 1980s, the impacts were devastating.

March 21, 2023
Eugenio Sosa

Xiomara Castro llegó a la presidencia con la promesa de refundar el país tras más de una década de neoliberalismo agresivo. A pesar de grandes retos, la esperanza no se ha frustrada aun.

February 10, 2023
Laura Blume, Diana Meza, y Piper Heath

En el contexto de una cultura de impunidad, mujeres figuras públicas están siendo asesinadas en Honduras en tasas alarmantes.

January 31, 2023
Laura Blume, Diana Meza, and Piper Heath

Amid a widespread culture of impunity, women public figures are killed in Honduras at an alarming rate. 

November 28, 2022
Giada Ferrucci and Pedro Cabezas

In Guatemala and Honduras, regional anti-mining networks have become key players in struggles to combat extractivism and the criminalization of activists.


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