The mothers of Mexico’s disappeared have become some of the most important voices denouncing the Mexican state’s role in perpetuating femicide and other forms of violence in the country.
A five-star General's specious narrative about the program’s success ignores the crimes and impunity of the Colombian military, and lets the U.S. off the hook for fostering systemic human rights violations.
By legitimizing exclusionary border policing regimes in the U.S. and EU, groups like Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International contribute to ongoing humanitarian crises
Declassified files on migrant massacres reveal impunity and Mexican state complicity in human rights atrocities that predate the recent Ayotzinapa disappearances.
The international media’s escalation of the Venezuelan crisis, and their complete silence regarding Haiti, highlights U.S. inconsistency in upholding the values of human rights and democracy.
Pedro César García Moreno, a member of Conciencia Campesina and president of the Community Action of El Cajón-La Leona district, was shot dead close to his home on November 2. He had been actively involved in opposing the development of an open-pit gold mining project, had regularly attended environmental meetings, and had helped persuade many farmers in the area not to sell their lands to foreign miners.