
January 28, 2013

Media in Latin America have traditionally been consolidated into the hands of a few wealthy families and large media conglomerates. Over the last decade and a half, however, several governments in the region, including Venezuela, Ecuador, Argentina, Bolivia, and Uruguay, have moved to democratize media.

January 11, 2013
Alfonso Gumucio Dagron

During the first decade of the 21st century, Bolivia’s “classic” newspapers have disappeared. Beyond print, radio has traditionally dominated Bolivia’s media landscape, a reality due in large part to the country’s multiethnic and multicultural makeup. For perhaps the same reason and also because of its high degree of politicization, Bolivia leads the world in community broadcasting.

November 19, 2012
Mario A. Murillo

New media forms are being applied by diverse actors, slowly tipping the balance of media power in favor of the active, engaged citizen across the continent.

September 9, 2011
Edward Ellis

With the recent revelation that President Hugo Chávez underwent emergency surgery to remove a cancerous tumor during a visit to Cuba in mid June, an explosion in political speculation has been swirling through the streets of Venezuela and catching fire around the world.

September 25, 2007
Jenny Pearce
September 25, 2007
John Womack & Larry Rohter & Alan Riding
September 25, 2007
Martin Murphy
September 25, 2007
Jack Spence
September 25, 2007
Steven S. Volk


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