Last month, nine years and 11 months after their children were disappeared, the parents of the 43 students ended their relationship with Mexico’s current government. In the absence of justice, the state’s mask has fallen.
Ten years after the Ayotzinapa case blew the lid off Mexico’s ongoing disappearance crisis, anthropologist Claudio Lomnitz unpacks the much bigger picture surrounding the 43 students.
La desaparición atraviesa las sociedades de las Américas. El número del NACLA Report "¿Dónde están?" aborda el dolor profunda, la pena y la vida emocional de las luchas dignas en la región por la justicia.
Santiago Navarro F and Regina López for Avispa Midia
Indigenous Nahua community members recovered their ancestral land in Michoacan on Mexico's Pacific coast in 2009. Amid legal and criminal violence, the struggle continues.
En junio, más de 12.000 personas se vieron obligadas a abandonar sus hogares en el pueblo de Tila. A medida que se intensifican las disputas históricas por la tierra, varios grupos armados luchan por el control territorial.
In June, more than 12,000 people were forced out of their homes in the former Zapatista stronghold of Tila. As historic land disputes escalate, several armed groups fight for territorial control.