As Peru’s repressive government slides deeper into authoritarianism, social movements and other bastions of resistance must persist in carving out space for democracy.
Green hydrogen in southern Chile elicits glowing rhetoric from energy advocates. But unless benefits are shared with locals, the project could replicate harmful inequalities.
The 1989 invasion left deep wounds in Panama, including an untold number of people killed. Locals continue to demand justice.
El gobierno toma medidas contra las políticas de memoria sostenidas durante 40 años de democracia, mientras diputados oficialistas visitan a presos condenados por crímenes de lesa humanidad.
As the government takes aim at memory policies upheld during the past 40 years of democracy, pro-government lawmakers visit prisoners convicted of crimes against humanity.
A pesar de una Constitución histórica, se imponen los intereses ecónomicas extractivistas por sobre los derechos indígenas. Permanecen obstáculos significativos para lograr cambios transformadores.
Oswaldo Zavala's book explores the myth of the narco in Mexico and examines the change in narco-discourse, prompted by the United States.
Uruguay was the first country in the world to enshrine water as a human right. Today an extractivist model threatens water sustainability and sovereignty.
Feminist organizer Julieta Ojeda talks about her grassroots work in Bolivia for abortion access and empowering feminist struggles from below.
Tracing support for Palestinian liberation allows us to see how communities in struggle can establish a basis of global politics beyond power and domination.