
September 5, 2024
Roger Merino

Mientras el gobierno represivo de Perú se vuelve cada vez más autoritario, los movimientos sociales y otros bastiones de la resistencia deben persistir en crear espacios para la democracia.

September 4, 2024
Roger Merino

As Peru’s repressive government slides deeper into authoritarianism, social movements and other bastions of resistance must persist in carving out space for democracy.

July 29, 2024
George Ygarza

Violence against protesters, anti-LGBTQ policies, and a submission to the International Criminal Court accusing President Dina Boluarte of human rights violations reflect the need for Peru to confront its own political violence.

June 25, 2024
María Eugenia Ulfe

En las luchas por la justicia, desde el conflicto armado interno hasta la violencia de género hoy, la impunidad de estos crímenes es constante. Callarse es también una forma violenta de desaparecer a las víctimas.

February 21, 2024
Magdalena Zegarra Chiappori

As Peru’s elderly population grows, long-term care facilities are failing older adults dependent on their services in Lima.

January 10, 2024
George Ygarza

A year after the Juliaca massacre killed 19 protesters, no official has been charged with the crimes. In Lima, corruption allegations have become a form of coercion to preserve the status quo.

August 11, 2023
George Ygarza

The life of the renowned campesino activist Hugo Blanco helps us see through the limitations of state reform and better hear the often-silenced voices of resisting communities.

April 7, 2023
Brunella Tipismana

With Peru's mainstream media concentrated in a few hands, citizens turn to the internet to challenge hegemonic narratives. The results are not always utopian.

March 1, 2023
Nicolás Lynch

The anti-government protests that erupted in December have a clear political agenda: new elections and the convening of a constituent assembly.

January 10, 2023
Roger Merino

Peru’s latest political crisis is rooted in the failure of key transitions to consolidate democracy and basic social coexistence.


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