
August 27, 2014
Paul Dosh and Julia Smith

How Lima's leftist mayor Villarán challenged neoliberalism during her first term.

August 27, 2014
Paul Dosh y Julia Smith

Cómo la alcaldesa de izquierda Susana Villarán retó al neoliberalismo durante su primer mandato

February 13, 2014
Last month, an article in Peru's penal code was modified to allow police and the military to use lethal force against protestors. Activist Elmer Campos Álvarez lives to tell the story.
December 16, 2013
In a mining conflict country, police brutality under the pay of mining corporations is the ugliest side of community relations. With financial and logistical support from the corporations, the police find incentives to use force. What would Servando Huanca, Vallejo's anti-miner in El tungsteno (1931), have done about it?
May 17, 2012
Deborah Poole and Gerardo Rénique

Peruvian president Ollanta Humala was elected in 2011 as a left-wing “candidate of change,” promising to end corruption, strengthen national sovereignty, and expand social-welfare programs. But once in office, Humala quickly appointed neoliberal technocrats from previous administrations and struck out against major anti-mining mobilizations.

January 19, 2012
Bryan Finlayson

Protestors in Cajamarca, Peru, are anxiously awaiting a ruling by the Peruvian constitutional court. The court is expected to decide this week if the Cajamarca regional council overstepped its constitutional authority when it unanimously approved a law on December 28 banning the construction of the new multibillion-dollar Minas Conga gold and copper mine.

January 6, 2012
Roger Burbach

Along with the Arab Spring, the indignados movement of Spain, and Occupy Wall Street, Latin America also played a role in the global tumult in 2011. Over the last year diverse grassroots movements in Bolivia, Chile, Mexico, and Peru have been raising  questions and challenging the existent order.

July 29, 2011
Left-leaning president Ollanta Humala faces the formidable task of resolving a growing number of mining conflicts, especially in the Puno region where widespread protests shut down the economy last spring. While lame duck president Alan García made numerous concessions to the protesters, the conflicts are far from resolved and could become the defining challenge of the new administration.
July 28, 2011
President Reagan’s justification for siphoning money out of the collective effort and into the pockets of the wealthy remains in vogue today. If the government pursues tax cuts and subsidies for the rich, so the pitch goes, everyone will benefit.  The wealth at the top will eventually “trickle-down.” It is unclear how the new government of Peru will respond.  
June 24, 2011
By Deborah Poole and Gerardo Renique On June 5, Peruvian voters handed a hard won presidential victory to the progressive nationalist, Ollanta Humala. While it is too early to predict the future of the Humala government, his victory has dealt an important blow to both the Peruvian right and U.S. interests in Latin America.


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