Peruvian President Kuczynski’s humanitarian pardon for Alberto Fujimori, who was serving a 25-year sentence for human rights violations, was a quid pro quo to avoid impeachment. Can it be revoked?
A revitalized political Left in Peru helped prevent the return of Fujimorismo, but it must now contend with the neoliberal economic agenda of the country’s new president.
An interview with Lourdes Huanca of the National Federation of Female Peasants, Artisans, Indigenous, Native and Salaried Workers of Peru (FENMUCARINAP)
A diverse group of protestors raise issues about extractivism and the Trans Pacific Partnership during a conference that paralleled IMF/World Bank meetings
Humala’s 2014 ban on informal mining has made for good press, but done little for the local communities the mines pollute or the majority of mine workers they employ.
Peru’s 2009 water reform is not about alleviating water conflict, but about brokering the interests of international institutions and private sector investors.
Cómo los ataques de la prensa de derecha, un escándalo de falsificación, y la insatisfacción de los usuarios de transporte decidirán elección de la alcaldía de Lima