
April 2, 2024
Ezequiel Saferstein y Analía Goldentul

Mientras el mundo del libro de los “políticamente incorrectos” pasa de nicho a la masificación, la batalla cultural de la derecha radicalizada atrae una nueva generación de seguidores.

January 24, 2024
Juan Cruz Ferre

With Congress likely to approve Milei’s neoliberal agenda, the only limits to his onslaught will come through mass mobilization, coordinated strike activity, and other forms of social unrest.

January 16, 2024
Patricia Rodríguez

From Patagonia, an environmental activist discusses her community’s struggle against a new oil pipeline and the threats of expanding extractivism in their territory.

January 16, 2024
Patricia Rodríguez

Desde Patagonia, una activista ambiental habla de la lucha contra un nuevo oleoducto y la expansión del extractivismo en sus territorios.

January 15, 2024
Patricia Rodríguez

With another oil and gas bonanza brewing and a new far-right president in the Casa Rosada, people-led proposals for a just energy transition are more urgent than ever.

October 20, 2023
Salvador Lescano

Argentina and Paraguay face off in a diplomatic row over river tolls that raises questions about the future of regional relations.

August 15, 2023
Mariano Schuster and Pablo Stefanoni, Nueva Sociedad

The Argentine primary elections caused a political earthquake, with libertarian Javier Milei taking first place and Peronism coming in third. Never before has the radicalized right won so many votes.

August 12, 2023
Juan Cruz Ferre

Protests in northern Argentina continue against controversial constitutional reforms that criminalize protest and clear the way for lithium extraction at the expense of Indigenous rights.

May 5, 2023
Humberto J. Rocha

Santiago Mitre’s feature film about holding the perpetrators of dictatorship accountable in Argentina humanizes a pivotal moment in Latin American—and world—history.

April 10, 2023
Maristella Svampa

Entre los progresismos latinoamericanos, las posibilidades por un giro ambiental son variadas. A pesar de un consenso fosilista, se están dando unos cambios positivos.


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