La apresurada proclamación de victoria de Maduro sin un recuento definitivo de votos vuelve a sumergir a Venezuela en crisis, mientras la oposición presenta resultados contradictorios.
Maduro's rushed victory proclamation without a definitive vote count thrusts Venezuela back into crisis, while the opposition presents contradicting results.
Like in the United States, migration is a big talking point in Venezuela’s election. After an exodus of 7.7 million in the last decade, candidates are promising to help them return.
Machado is not the godsend for the opposition portrayed by the media and her close supporters. But opposition leaders have more cause for hope than in the past.
After years of boycotting elections, Venezuela’s opposition has united behind a presidential candidate. The result of the July 28 vote could give way to stability—or still deeper polarization.
Tras años de abstencionismo, la oposición se ha unificado en torno a una candidatura. Los presidenciales el 28 de julio podrían abrir una estabilidad, o una polarización aún más profunda.
The country’s current economic and democratic crisis should not be used to erase Chávez’s impressive accomplishments in working to build 21st-century socialism.
Under the Bolivarian revolution, militarization has permeated all facets of politics and society, capturing institutional power as the ambit of the Armed Forces repeatedly expands.