A recent photograph circulating of a Haitian senator shooting an AP reporter is just the tip of the iceberg in Haiti, where an uprising has been simmering for months.
Political theorist Mabel Thwaites Rey discusses the rise and decline of progressive governments in Latin America, dynamics that spurred the “end of the cycle,” and characteristics of the new Right.
Si bien los hombres viven la violencia extrema de las ejecuciones extrajudiciales o ejercen ellos mismos la violencia armada, es necesario destacar los padecimientos invisibilizados de las mujeres, en especial en su rol de madres.
The recent U.S. sanctions in Venezuela are not only worsening the economic situation, but increasing the country's cynicism toward any hope of resolution.
Since the Venezuelan opposition again failed to oust Maduro, extreme elements in Caracas and Washington are increasingly agitating for U.S. military intervention.
Spectacle and internationalization in the battle for control in Venezuela distract from more fundamental issues: the future of constituent power and the unavoidable challenges of seeking energy alternatives
Trinidad and Tobago used to be as dependent on oil as Venezuela. So why hasn’t its economy suffered similar levels of crisis since oil prices began to decline?
Beyond the recent border conflicts over national sovereignty and foreign aid, mineral extraction in the Gran Sabana region of Venezuela is sowing violence against Indigenous peoples.