
February 10, 2025
Priscyll Anctil Avoine and Adriana Pérez-Rodríguez

Failed peace negotiations and the battle for control over valuable territory have produced an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe.

July 28, 2022
Linda Farthing and Thomas Grisaffi

Narcotrafficking is a bloody business throughout Latin America, but less so in Bolivia.

May 27, 2020
Linda Farthing and Thomas Grisaffi

The global pandemic has destabilized the delicate balance in the Andes that the mercurial drug trade relies on. 

October 8, 2019
Benjamin Dangl

The following excerpt from the new book, The Five Hundred Year Rebellion: Indigenous Movements and the Decolonization of History in Bolivia, looks at the roots, rise, and presidency of Evo Morales, who is likely to win a fourth term in office in Bolivia’s October 20 general election. 

September 20, 2019
Evan King and Samantha Wherry

The recent failures in the Colombian peace process further endanger Indigenous communities, which are increasingly caught in the middle of violence and displaced from their land. 

August 5, 2019
Alex Diamond

The displacement in El Orejón demonstrates how megaprojects, coca substitution, and the peace process work together to serve elite interests at the expense of campesino ways of life.

January 9, 2019
Kate Paarlberg-Kvam

So long as Colombia’s peace accords fail to contend with the liberal economic order or challenge extractivism and militarism in the country, they will fall short of achieving true gender justice.

December 6, 2018
Evan King and Samantha Wherry

Colombia’s new president, Iván Duque, continues to push for failed supply-side drug war policies in Colombia—a reversal of alternative coca substitution policies negotiated in 2016 as part of country’s peace accords.

July 20, 2018
Alex Diamond

Campesinos colombianos en Briceño han arrancado voluntariamente sus plantas de coca a cambio de apoyo gubernamental para cultivar nuevas cosechas. Pero con el retraso de mucha ayuda, la economía local se ha derrumbado y la presencia de un nuevo grupo disidente de las FARC amenaza traer más violencia.

July 19, 2018
Alex Diamond

Colombian campesinos in Briceño, Antioquia have voluntarily uprooted their coca plants in exchange for government support to grow new crops. But with much aid delayed, the local economy has collapsed, and the presence of a newly formed dissident FARC group threatens more violence.


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