Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele has been reelected in a landslide. Supporters praise his security gains despite widespread human rights abuses, and leaders across the region are looking to emulate his model.
Vulnerable dwellers were disproportionately affected by recent wildfires in Colombia's capital. As climate change exacerbates El Niño’s impact, affected families regroup amid the threat of additional blazes.
“Our vision is defending the interests of workers and a democratic union life.” In conversation with a longtime labor journalist, a Mexican union leader puts current worker struggles in context.
President Nayib Bukele’s slide toward authoritarianism has culminated in an unconstitutional reelection bid. His consolidation of power has cracked down on independent press.
Guatemala's new president Bernardo Arévalo is now in office. But the struggle to defend democracy against the forces fixated on blocking his rise to power isn't over yet.
Meet the artists pushing for a wave of social change through sapafunk, a subgenre that celebrates lesbian desire and sexuality.
Todavía somos el tiempo, an exhibition commissioned by the Chilean government and featuring material from NACLA’s archives, is now on view at the National Center of Contemporary Art in Santiago.
As a new government takes office, Indigenous leaders are pragmatic about their hopes in Guatemala. In the struggle against a corrupt judicial system, the arc toward reconciliation is long.
Al tomar posesión un nuevo gobierno, líderes indígenas son pragmáticos sobre lo que esperan en Guatemala. En la lucha ante un sistema judicial corrupto, el camino hacia la reconciliación es largo.
With Congress likely to approve Milei’s neoliberal agenda, the only limits to his onslaught will come through mass mobilization, coordinated strike activity, and other forms of social unrest.